


Loingirding and Other Male Activities in the Book of Job. (David J. A. Clines). This is an unpublished paper. It has not been prepared for publication. It is a work in progress.

Prototype Horror: The Genre of the Book of Job (Roger C. Schlobin) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.


Book Reviews

Yair Hoffman, A Blemished Perfection: The Book of Job in Context (John L. McLaughlin) Society of Biblical Literature - Review of Biblical Literature: Book Review.



The Book of Psalms, Where Men Are Men: On the Gender of Hebrew Piety. (David J. A. Clines). This is an unpublished paper. It has not been prepared for publication. It is a work in progress.

Psalm 102 A Complaint with a Difference (Robert C. Culley) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.

Images of YHWH the Warrior in Psalms (Marc Brettler) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.



Proverbs 1-9: A Commentary. (Michael V. Fox) At The Bible and Interpretation site.


Song of Songs

"My Beloved Is Mine and I Am His" (Song 2:16): The Song of Songs and Honor and Shame (Dianne Bergant) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.

