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Ps. lxi. 4.

          In Him we live, in Him we move; seek not thy God afar;
          He is not prisoned in a height above sun, moon, and star.
          But thou through strange dark lands hast strayed, and wandered far from Him;
          And therfore He, O Soul, to thee, is distant and is dim.
          Lord, I was in the far-off land, I loved from Thee to stray,
          And when unto myself I came, a swine-herd far away,
          One moment - then the welcome sweet, the kiss, the Father's Home;
          Far distant was the distance; to Thy bosom I am come.

G. T. S.

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This document (last modified May 20, 1997) from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library server, at @Wheaton College