Internet-based Research



Digital Dissertations (UMI ProQuest)

Theological Research Exchange Network "The Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) is a library of over 7,800 theological thesis/dissertation titles representing research from as many as 70 different institutions. Titles may be ordered online through our search and order system."

ETD Digital Library (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations)

Digitale Dissertationen im Internet

Academic Dissertation Publishers and Resources for Research

Index to Theses "A Database containing abstracts of all university theses in the United Kingdom. Requires an annual subscription to Index to Theses (US $475)."

Electronic Theses and Dissertations in the Humanities (Matthew G. Kirschenbaum)"A Directory of Online References and Resources"

Australian Digital These Program "The aim of the ADT project is to create a national collaborative distributed database of digitized these produced at Australian Universities. The ADT database provides access to PhD and Masters by Research theses only."

