Thesis & Dissertation
News (ASGS – Association for Support of
Graduate Students) "Dissertation News is a
6-issue-per-year bulletin offering guidance and support for ASGS-member
doctoral students, and information of value to faculty members on advising and
counseling graduate students."
Resources (Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, University of Michigan).
First thoughts to finished
writing (The University of Queensland).
Life after
Comprehensive Exams (The Graduate Program
in Political Science at Columbia University) This is "a guide to the
details of dissertation writing."
Research and Writing
(Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand).
A Structured
Approach to Presenting PhD Theses: Notes for Candidates and their Supervisors
(Chad Perry) A paper presented to the ANZ Doctoral Consortium, University of
Sydney, February 1994, with later additions to 18 September 1995.
Writing a Dissertation
(Edward G. Rozychi, 2000).
Writing and Presenting Your
Thesis or Dissertation (S. Joseph Levine;
Michigan State University).
Bobbi's Place
(Bobbi A. Kerlin) The Qualitative Research Web Ring.