Pentateuchal Studies


Pentateuch: Introduction


Pentateuch Links (Ralph Klein)

PowerPoint Lectures on the Pentateuch (Ralph W. Klein).

The Law and the Former Prophets (Australian Catholic University) This site examines the main features and subject mater of the Pentateuch.

Biblical Images: Five Books of Moses.

Torah/Pentateuch (iTanakh: Resources for Academic Study).


Critical Theories

Who wrote the 5 books of Moses? (B.A. Robinson, January 01-2002) Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

The Documentary Hypothesis: Evidence (Jesse Floren, Maureen McDonnell, and Nathan Romney).

Has Richard Friedman Really Discovered a Long-Hidden Book in the Bible? (Hershel Shanks, Bible Review, April 1999) This is a review of Richard Elliott Friedman, The Hidden Book of the Bible.

JEDP: Sources in the Pentateuch (Dennis Bratcher, 2001) Christian Resource Institute.

The Pentateuch in the Twentieth Century: The Legacy of Julius Wellhausen (Benjamin D. Sommer) This page a review of Ernest Nicholson's book.

Understanding the Priestly Source (Victor Hurowitz, Bible Review, 1996).

When Memory is Hope: Theology of the Priestly Document (Ralph W. Klein, Israel in Exile).

Prologue to the Torah (Barry Bandstra) From Bandstra's Reading the Old Testament.

Answering the Documentary Hypothesis (Matthew J. Slick, 2002) This site is a critique of the Documentary Hypothesis from a conservative point of view. Also n.b. The Documentary Hypothesis of the Pentateuch also known as the JEDP Theory on the same site. It is part of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.

The Analysis of the Pentateuch (Gerald A. Larue) from Old Testament Life and Literature, 1968. This page describes the Pentateuch as the portion of the Bible which best demonstrates the results of the historical-literary approach. N.B. the following pages from the same volume: J and the Law; E; and Literature of the Middle Period.

The Primary History (Genesis – 2 Kings), An Exilic Composition of 562-561 BCE? (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, Dec 01, 2001; revised & updated Dec 26, 2001) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

Prolegomena to the History of Israel, With a Reprint of the Article "Israel" from the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" (Julius Wellhausen, trans. J. S. Black & Allan Menzies) Project Gutenberg.



Moses, Aaron and Miriam (Tracey R. Rich, 1999) Judaism 101.

Moses: The Private Man Behind the Public Leader (J. Daniel Hays) Originally from Bible Review, August, 2000.

Supporting Roles: The Man Moses (Peter Machinist) Originally from Bible Review, April, 2000.


Jewish Material

Tanach Study Center.

The Torahnet Page (Eric Simon) "Torah Study Opportunities on the Net"

The Legends of the Jews (Louis Ginzberg) This site includes a slightly edited version of Volumes I-IV.

Commentary on the Weekly Torah Portions (Simcha Raz) Publication of the Liaison Division, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund.

The Text of Rashi's Torah Commentary (Deborah Abecassis).


Genesis: Introduction

Writer(s) of the Book of Genesis: Part 1 (B.A. Robinson, December 25-2001) Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

Colorful Logos for the Book of Genesis (The Israel Bible Museum, 1998).

Reading Genesis (David Blumenthal) "This article first appeared in hard-copy versions as "Reading Creation," Bibel un Midrasch, ed G. Bodendorfer and M. Millard, Forschung zum Alten Testament, 22:117-66 and Judaism.

The Documentary Sources in Genesis (Ralph Klein) This chart was prepare from the sources in Martin Noth, A History of Pentateuchal Traditions.

Outline of Genesis (Robert Dunston).

What's New in Interpreting Genesis (Paul E. Koptak) This article was published in The Covenant Quarterly, Vol. LIII, NO. 1 (February 1995), pp. 3-16.

The Genesis Site (Cees van Arnhem) Focuses on Genesis 1-11.

Genesis 1-11: The Primeval Story (Barry Bandstra) From Bandstra's Reading the Old Testament.

Genesis 12-50: The Ancestral Story (Barry Bandstra) From Bandstra's Reading the Old Testament.

Genesis' Genesis, The Hebrew Transformation of the Ancient Near Eastern Myths and Their Motifs (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, March 25, 2001) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

Genesis (Arlton C. Murray & Stephen C. Meyers) This page is located on the Institute For Biblical and Scientific Studies site.

Genesis Studies (Shinya Nomoto) This site is in Japanese. It includes the author's incomplete translation of Genesis; comparative analysis of different translations; and a bibliography

Genesis: Art

Expulsion from the Garden of Eden - by Thomas Cole (1828)

Isaac Blessing Jacob - by Govaert Flinck (1639)

Joseph Accused by Potiphar's Wife - by Rembrandt (1655)

The Blessing of Jacob - by Rembrandt (1656)

The Building of the Tower of Babel - from the Bedford Book of Hours (1424)

The Garden of Eden - by Erastus Salisbury Field (1865)

The Sacrifice of Isaac - by Rembrandt (1635)


Genesis 1-2

Creation-Science Related

Creation Science. Resources related to the study of origins and science from a creationist perspective.

Creation "Science" Debunked (Lenny Flank) "This Home Page has one very clear objective in mind--to present a critique of creation "science", and to serve as a guide to fighting the creationists and their attempts to impose their peculiar interpretations of religion onto our society. It is my opinion that the creation "scientists" (along with the rest of their Religious Right companions) represent, in their attempts to re-mold American society in accordance with their own narrow beliefs, the single greatest threat to freedom and democracy in the United States today."

Main Issues in the Science Creation Debate. This page contains a list of links to articles a webpages that deal with the Science-Creation debate from a scientific perspective. It is a page under a larger site entitled No Answers in Genesis!.

Synopsis of Christian Interpretations of Creation (Mark D. McLean).

The Bible Versus Science Controversy Has Ended – The Origins Solution: An Answer in the Creation – Evolution Debate (Dick Fischer).



Ancient Near Eastern Parallels

The Atrahasis Epic and Its Significance for our Understanding of Genesis 1-9 (Tikva Frymer-Kensky) This article appeared in Biblical Archeologist December 1977, pp. 147-55.

The Babylonian Creation Myth (David W. Koeller, 1998). The translation is by N. K. Sandars. This page is from North Park University.

Enuma Elish. This site contains multiple translations of the Enuma Elish.

Sabbath Origins and The Epic of Gilgamesh (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, April 20, 1999; revised and expanded July 27, 2000) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

The "Shabbath/Shabbat as an Eternal Memorial" and its Derivation form the "Lunar Shupattu Memorial" (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, June 04, 2001; updated Dec 16, 2001) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

A Comparison of Narrative Elements in Ancient Mesopotamian Creation – Flood Stories with Genesis 1-9 (William H. Shea) From Origins 11 (1): 9-29 (1984).


Texts & Exegesis

"Bone of My Bone and Flesh of My Flesh" (Phyllis A. Bird). "Bone of My Bone and Flesh of My Flesh" at Theology Today 50:4 (1994), 521-534.

Eve and Pandora Contrasted (William E. Phipps) Theology Today 54:1 (1988), 34-48.

Creation Story According to J and P Sources (Jesse Floren, Maureen McDonnell, and Nathan Romney).

Humanity as the Image of God (David J. A. Clines) published in On the Way to the Postmodern: Old Testament Essays 1967-1998, Volume 2 (JSOTSup, 292; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 447-97; originally published as "The Image of God in Man," Tyndale Bulletin 19 (1968), pp. 53-103

Exegetical Notes on Genesis 2:18-24 (Douglas MacCallum Kindsay Judisch).

Man as the Image of God: Studies in Genesis 1:26-27 (Shinya Nomoto) This article is in Japanese and was originally published in Kirisutokyou Kenkyuu 40:2 (04, 1977).

Inquires Concerning Genesis 1:1 (Shinya Nomoto)  This article is in Japanese and was originally published in Kirisutokyou Kenkyuu 38 (05, 1974).

The Unity of the Creation Account (William H. Shea) From Origins 5 (1): 9-18 (1978).

The Word "Earth" in Genesis 1:1 (Niels-Erik Andreasen) From Origins 8 (1): 13-19 (1981).

Literary Structural Parallels Between Genesis 1 and 2 (William H. Shea) From Origins 16 (2): 49-68 (1989).

The "Days" of Creation in Genesis 1: Literal "Days" or Figurative "Periods/Epochs" of Time? (Gerhard F. Hasel) From Origins 21 (1): 5-38 (1994).

What is Creation? Rereading Genesis 1 and 2 (Michael Welker) Theology Today 48:1 (1991), 56-71.


Genesis 3

Did Eve Fall or Was She Pushed? (Susan L. Greiner) This article is from Bible Review, August, 1999.

Eve and the Identity of Women (L. C. E. Witcombe) This site contains several articles and a bibliography death with "Eve."

Rethinking the Interpretation of Genesis 2.4b-3.24 (Lyn M. Bechtel) This page is from A Feminist Companion to Genesis (ed. Athalya Brenner), Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1993, pp. 77-117.

Seduction of Eve and Feminist Readings of the Garden of Eden. (Reuven Kimelman) [On the left hand side, under  Multidisciplinary Journal, click on previous issues and choose back issue Volume 1, # 2]

The Temptation of Adam and Even: Images This site contains a series of pictures.

What Does Eve Do to Help? (David J. A. Clines) Chapter One in What Does Eve Do to Help? And other Readerly Questions to the Old Testament. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990.

The Life of Adam and Eve: The Biblical Story in Judaism and Christianity (Gary A. Anderson & Michael E. Stone).

The Garden of Eden and Its Mesopotamian Prototypes, Including the Serpent who Offered Immortality to Man (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, n.d.) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

Sublimation of the Goddess in the Deitic Metaphor of Moses (M. Gerhart, J. P. Healey, & A. M. Russell) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden (The Ancient Near Eastern Motifs behind) (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, July 07, 2001; updated January 21, 2002) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.


Genesis 5

Sumerian King List: Translation.

The Weld-Bludell Prism: The Sumerian King-List (University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1999).

Genesis 5 and 11: Chronogenealogies in the Biblical History of Beginnings (Gerhard F. Hasel) From Origins 7 (1): 23-37 (1980).

The Meaning of the Chronogenealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 (Gerhard F. Hasel) From Origins 7 (2): 53-70 (1980).

An Evaluation of the Numerical Variants of the Chronogenealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 (Paul J. Ray) From Origins 12 (1): 26-37 (1985).

The Antediluvians (William H. Shea) From Origins 18 (1): 10-26 (1991).


Genesis 6-8

Science – Creation Related

The Flood (Alan Feuerbacher) "In this essay I will examine evidence, especially geological, that the Watchtower Society uses to prove the Flood was a historical event, as well as information the Society has not covered. After researching this material, I was forced to conclude there is little geological evidence the Flood occurred. If it occurred, it left few traces, except possibly in legends and certainly in the Bible."

Problems with a Global Flood, Second Edition (Mark Isaak, November 16-1998) "Creationist models are often criticized for being too vague to have any predictive value. A literal interpretation of the Flood story in Genesis, however, does imply certain physical consequences which can be tested against what we actually observe, and the implications of such an interpretation are investigated below."

The Talk Origins Archive: Exploring the Creation / Evolution Controvery. " is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins. Most discussions in the newsgroup center on the creation/evolution controversy, but other topics of discussion include the origin of life, geology, biology, catastrophism, cosmology and theology." N.B the Flood Geology link collection.

Can Noah's Flood Account for the Geologic and Fosil (sic) Record? (Lenny Flank, 1995). This page in found on the Creation "Science" Debunked Homepage.

Origins (Geoscience Research Institute) This is a SDA journal dedicated to Creationism.

Before The Legend of Noah: Flood Stories Predating the Noah Story (David Q Hall)


Ancient Near Eastern Parallels

The Flood of Noah and the Flood of Gilgamesh (Frank Lowrey) Impact No. 285 "Vital Articles on Science/Creation," March 1997.

A Possible Source for the Stories of Noah's Flood (B. A. Robinson, October 04-2002), Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

Comparison of the Babylonian and Noahic Flood Stories, Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

Myths of the Flood: The Flood Narrative From the Gilgamesh Epic. Translation by E. A. Speiser, in Ancient Near Eastern Texts (Princeton, 1950), pp. 60-72, as reprinted in Isaac Mendelsohn (ed.), Religions of the Ancient Near East, Library of Religion paperbook series (New York, 1955). PP. 100-6; notes by Mendelsohn.

Gilgamesh Epic – Outline, Bibliography and Links.

Gilgamesh Study Guide (Diane Thompson)

Noah's Ark: A Lost Legend About Ziusudra, king of Sumer

A Comparison of Narrative Elements in Ancient Mesopotamian Creation – Flood Stories with Genesis 1-9 (William H. Shea) From Origins 11 (1): 9-29 (1984).


Texts & Exegesis

The Story of Noah, Marked According to Sources (Alan Humm, 1995), Taken form Frank Frick, A Journey Through the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Theology of the Flood Narrative (David Clines) This has been published in On the Way to the Postmodern Old Testament Essays 1967-1998, Volume 2 (JSOT Sup, 292; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998), pp. 508-23.

Some Issues Regarding the Nature and Universality of the Genesis Flood Narrative (Gerhard F. Hasel) From Origins 5 (2): 83-98 (1978).

The Structure of the Genesis Flood Narrative and Its Implications (William H. Shea) From Origins 6 (1): 8-29 (1979).

Biblical Evidence for the Universality of the Genesis Flood (Richard M Davidson) From Origins 22 (2): 58-73 (1995).


Genesis 9-11

Unraveling the Japheth Mystery (Genesis 9:25-27) (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, n.d.) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

Original Dishonor: Noah's Curse and the Southern Defense of Slavery (Stephen R. Haynes) Journal of Southern Religions 3 (2000).


Genesis 12-36

The Hebrews: A Learning Module: The Age of the Patriarchs – 1950-1500 BC (Richard Hooker, 1996).

Who Were the Hebrews? (Gerald A. Larue, Old Testament Life and Literature, 1968, 1997) Jewish Virtual Library: A Division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.

The Cave of Machpelah – Tomb of the Patriarchs (Jewish Community of Hebron and other historical sources) Jewish Virtual Library: A Division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.

The Binding of Isaac (W. Dow Edgerton). The Binding of Isaac at Theology Today 44:2 (1987), 207-221.

Celebrating and Sharing the Gift: Reflections on Jacob, Israel's Ancestor (Ralph W. Klein).

Ancient Hebrew Social Organization: Sagas of the Hebrew Patriarchs: History, Mythology, and Social Structure (Brain Schwinner, 1995).

Women Quilting: A Biblical Pattern (Letty M. Russel) This essay deals with the Sarah & Hagar story in Genesis 16.11-16 and 21.9-12.

Isaac's Birth – Translated according to the Documentary Hypothesis.

Jacob's Wrestling Match: Was It an Angel or Esau? (Jack Miles).

Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19.1-29) on the Internet (Susanne Scholz) This is from the Journal of Religion & Society, Volume 1 (1999).

A Thrice-Told Tale: Genre, Theme, and Motif (David L. Petersen) This article is originally from Biblical Research 18 (1973): 30-43.

The Patriarchs and the Origins of Judaism (Tracey R. Rich, 1999) Judaism 101.

Abraham – NOT – The Father of Ishmael and the Arabs? (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, Nov 18, 2000) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

The Burial of Sarah: An Exegesis of Genesis 23 (Ben Kao) The Journal of Biblical Studies Volume 1:1 (Jan-Mar. 2001).

Rapes of Women/Wars of Men (Alice A. Keefe) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.


Genesis 37-50

Joseph (Shira Schoenberg) Jewish Virtual Library: A Division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.

Anubis and Bata. An Egyptian parallel to the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife.

The Historicity of the Joseph Story (Charles F. Aling, 1996) ChristianAnswers.Net.

Joseph, Egypt, & The Hyksos This site contains a large number of Ancient Egyptian Photos.

Unveiling the Versions: The Tactics of Tamar in Genesis 38:15 (John R. Huddlestun) The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Volume 3 (2001).

Potiphar's Wife and the Cultural Template of Sacred Sexuality (Thalia Gur-Klein) Lectio Dificilior 2:1 (2001).





Freedom or Knowledge? Perspective and Purpose in the Exodus Narrative (Exodus 1-15) (Lyle Eslinger) Journal article from JSOT 52 (1991), 43-60. This page is a pdf that has not been OCRed.


Exodus & History & Geography


The Chronology of Egypt and Israel (David K. Down).

The Hebrews: A Learning Module: Egypt & the Wanderings –1500-1250 BC (Richard Hooker, 1996).

Egypt and the Wanderings (1500-1250 BC) (Richard Hooker) Jewish Virtual Library: A Division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.

Making a Case for a Technological Interpretation of the Parting of the Sea in Exodus (Morris Silver, April 06-1998).

Israelite Origins (John J. McDermott, 1998) His book What Are they Saying About the Formation of Israel? contains a more detailed discussion of the material on this page.

Exodus – The Testimony of the Egyptian Sources (M. Banyai) Stuttgart.

Mt. Sinai – in Arabia (Allen Kerkeslager) Originally from Bible Review, April, 2000.

Summary of John J. Bimson's Redating the Exodus and Conquest (William Griffin).

Short Studies on the Exodus (Daniel J. Dyke) This site contains background material.

Dating the Exodus, The Hyksos Expulsion of 1540 BCE? (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, revised Feb 06, 2001) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

Exodus Memories of Southern Sinai (Linking the Archaeological Data to the Biblical Narratives) (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, Nov 17, 2001; updated and revised Jan 19, 2002) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

Dating the Exodus (And Other Associated Problems) (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, Jan 10, 2001) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

The Date of the Exodus According to Ancient Writers (Stephen C. Meyers) This site contains Meyers' dissertation which discusses various proposals for dating the Exodus using Jewish and Non-Jewish sources in addition to the biblical evidence. This page is located on the Institute For Biblical and Scientific Studies site.

The Archaeological Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt (Stephen C. Meyers) This page is located on the Institute For Biblical and Scientific Studies site.

Was Mt. Sinai a Volcano? Discoveries Affecting the Interpretation of Exodus (David Q. Hall)


Ancient Near Eastern Parallels

The Legend of Sargon of Akkade, c. 2300 BCE (George A. Barton; Scanned & Modernized by J. S. Arkenberg) ) Ancient History Sourcebook.

Hammuirapi's Law Code (Exploring Ancient World Culture: Readings from the Ancient Near East) L. W. King's Translation.

The Code of the Assura, c. 1075 BCE (J. S. Arkenberg, scanned & modernized) Ancient History Sourcebook: Laws dealing with Sex and Sexual Crimes in Assyria.

The Ten Plagues – Live from Egypt (Brad Aaronson) Originally Jewish Action, Spring 1995 entitled "When Was the Exodus?" This site discusses a 19th Century papyrus, dating from the Middle Kingdom, Egypt and compares it with the Exodus.

The Non-Egyptian Origins of Israel's Golden Calf Worship (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, June 21, 2001; updated and revised Feb 07, 2002) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.



The Decalogue in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5: A Synopsis (Ralph W. Klein).

The Decalogue, a 2nd or 1st Millennium BCE Creation? (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, Feb 10, 2002) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.


Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant

Back to the Future: The Tabernacle in the Book of Exodus (Ralph W. Klein).

Tabernacle Home Page (Martyn Barrow, 1995) This site contains many tabernacle pictures. It interprets the Tabernacle from a N.T. Typological viewpoint.

The Temple and the Ark of the Covenant (Leen & Kathleen Ritmeyer) The full site is The Temple Mount in Jerusalem by Ritmeyer Archaeological Design. Some of the Material has been published in Biblical Archaeology Review.

Cherubim, The Pre-Biblical Origins of (And the Mercy Seat Atop the Ark of the Covenant) (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, Nov, 10, 2001) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

Where is the Ark of the Covenant? (Arlton C. Murray & Stephen C. Meyers) This page is located on the Institute For Biblical and Scientific Studies site.

What happened to the Ark? (Phyllis Enstrom & Peet van Dyk) Religion & Theology 4:1 (1997).


Texts & Exegesis

Jacob's Family Goes to Egypt: Varying Portraits of Unity and Disunity in the Textual Traditions of Exodus 1:1-5 (Andrew E. Steinmann) TC Volume 2, 1997.

Outline of Exodus (Robert Dunston).

JEDP Sources in Exodus (Ralph W. Klein) Data originally taken from Martin Noth, A History of Pentateuchal Traditions, 1972.

Exodus: Deliverance and Covenant (Barry Bandstra) From Bandstra's Reading the Old Testament.

Exod 23,20-33 and the 'War of YHWH' (Hans Ausloos) in Biblica 80 (1999), 555-563.

The Phrase Mynb)bw Myc(bw in Exod 7,19 (B. Lemmelijn) Biblica 80 (1999), 264-268.

Exegetical Notes on Exodus 3:1-15 (Douglas MacCallum Kindsay Judisch).

Dancing and Shining at Sinai: Playing the Man in Exodus 32-34 (David J. A. Clines) Originally presented for the Biblical Law Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 22 November 1998. Will be published in Play the Man!

An Anthropological Approach to Biblical Interpretation: The Passover Supper in Exodus 12:1-20 As a Case Study (Dianne Bergant) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.

A Matter of Urgency: A Response to "The Passover Supper in Exodus 12:1-20" (Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.

Biblical Narrative and Categories of the Fantastic (Peter D. Miscall) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.




Israelite Feastcalendar and Chronology (M. Banyai) Stuttgart.

Rabbis, Priests and Other Religious Functionaries (Tracey R. Rich, 1999) Judaism 101.

A Leviticus Qumran Fragment (11Q1 – PaleoLev) The site has a small picture and an English Translation of a portion.

Leviticus and Numbers, Introduction to (Barry Bandstra) From Bandstra's Reading the Old Testament.

Leviticus, Deconstruction and the Body (Francis Landy) The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Volume 2 (1998-99).

Outline of Leviticus (Robert Dunston).

Text of Leviticus arranged by Topics (Barry Bandstra).

The Abominations of Leviticus (Mary Douglas) From Community, Identity, and Ideology. Social Scientific Approaches to the Hebrew Bible, edited by Charles E. Carter and Carol L. Meyers (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996), 119-134. This essay is a reprint from Purity and Danger. An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966), 41-57.

The Sacred and the Mundane: The Message of Leviticus (Peter J. Haas) Haas is an ordained rabbi and associate professor at Vanderbilt University. This article is from Christian Century, October 8, 1997, pp. 877-882.

The Sabbatical/Jubilee Cycle and the Seven-Year Famine in Egypt (C. Carmichael) Biblical 80 (1999), 224-239.

The Greek Version of Leviticus (M. A. Zipor) Biblical 79 (1998), 551-562.

Sifting For Cinders: Strange Fires in Leviticus 10:1-5 (Timothy K. Beal & Tod Linafelt) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.



Did Moses Marry a Cushite? Early Traditions Suggest He Did (J. Daniel Hays) From Bible Review, August, 2000.

The Balaam Text From Deir 'Alla (on M. Banyai's HomePage) edited by J. Hoftijzer & D Van der Kooij.

Leviticus and Numbers, Introduction to (Barry Bandstra) From Bandstra's Reading the Old Testament.

Balaam according to Flavius Josephus From Antiquities of the Jews Book IV, Chapter 6.

Introduction, Outline, and Selected Bibliography (David Malick, 1996).

Outline of Numbers (Robert Dunston).

Review of Dennis T. Olson, Numbers IBC (Mayer I Gruber) SBL – Review of Biblical Literature: Book Reviews.

A Misunderstood Masorah Parva Note in L for l)w(r in Numbers 2:14 (Daniel S. Mynatt) TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism, Volume 1 (1996).

Exegetical Notes on Numbers 11 (Douglas MacCallum Kindsay Judisch).

Balaam's Kittim Oracle (562 BCE?) (Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld, n.d.) Mattfeld exegetes from what he calls a "Rationalist-Humanist Viewpoint," throughout his Bible Origins site.

War, Women, and Defilement in Numbers 31 (Susan Niditch) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.



Deuteronomy: The Torah of Moses (Barry Bandstra) From Bandstra's Reading the Old Testament.

Bakhtin Revisits Deuteronomy: Narrative Theory and the Dialogical Event of Deut. 31:2 and 34:7 (David A. Bergen) The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Volume 2 (1998-99).

Deuteronomy as De-Centering Center: Reflections on Postmodernism and the Quest for a Theological Center of the Hebrew Scriptures (Dennis T. Olson) Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism.

Deuteronomy: Yahweh's Steadfast Love (Second Law) (Jean Crain, 4/24/98) Deuteronomy PowerPoint Lectures.

Outlines of Deuteronomy (Robert Dunston).

Outline of the Statutes and Ordinances in Deuteronomy 12-26 (Nashotah House).

Exegetical Notes on Deuteronomy 6:1-9 (Douglas MacCallum Kindsay Judisch).

Exegetical Notes on Deuteronomy 26:5-10 (Douglas MacCallum Kindsay Judisch).

Exegetical Notes on Deuteronomy 34 (Douglas MacCallum Kindsay Judisch).

