

Canaanite-Ugaritic Mythology Faq, Version 1.2 (Christopher B. Siren) The material is based on John C. Gibson's Canaanite Mythology and S. H. Hooke's Middle Eastern Mythology.

Ugaritic – An MATR course in the Department of Theology, University of Durham (Loren Stuckenbruck & Stuart Weeks).

Introduction to Ugaritic Studies. (Quartz Hill School of Theology, California).

Ugaritic (Institute for Biblical and Scientific Studies).

The Oldest ABC's: The Ugarit Cuneiform Alphabet (Richard Flavin).

Ugarit. (Edwin M. Schorr) Applying the Revised Chronology.

Ugarit-Forschungsstelle. (Institut für Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunke: Manfried L. G. Dietrich & Oswald Loretz).

The Lost City of Ugarit – The Birthplace of the Alphabet, Syria (Shunya)


Ugaritic Grammars

L641 – Introduction to Ugaritic Grammar. An Online Course.

Ugaritic Grammar. (at Hudson College) See especially the Lectures link.


Ugaritic Texts

The Edinburgh Ras Shamra Project (Faculty of Divinity at New College, the University of Edinburgh). This site includes a general introduction, ERSP Museum, Texts and Bibliography.

Northwest Semitic Philological Data Bank – Generador de Segmentaciones, Restituciones y Concordancias. (Laboratorio Hermeneumatica).

Ugaritic Baal and 'Anat Cycle.

Legend of Aqhat (Excerpt).

Baal Cycle (KTU 1.4) Tablet 4.

Marriage and Divorce Documents from the Ancient Near East – Ugaritic (J. J. Finkelstein) Manumission and Marriage. RS8.208.


Ugaritic & Computers

Proposal to encode Ugaritic Cuneiform in Plane 1 of ISO/IEC 10646-2 (Michael Everson).

Durham Ugaritic Fonts. Fonts are PC Truetype fonts.

Proposal: Ugaritic Entity Set (Anders Berglund).

RK Ugaritic Font. (R. Kainhofer).


Book Reviews

Watson, W. G. E. & N. Wyatt, eds. Handbook of Ugaritic Studies. Reviewed Raymond de Hoop (SBL, 2000).

