[The Holy Bible |
The Epistle Dedicatorie. |
Translators to the Reader. |
Names and order of all the Bookes]
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An Almanacke for xxxix. yeeres. |
To finde Easter for euer.
The Table and Kalender, expressing the order of
Psalmes and Lessons to be said at Morning and Euening prayer
throughout the yeere, except certaine proper feasts, as the rules
following more plainely declare.
The order how the Psalter is appointed to be read.
THe Psalter shall bee read through once euery Moneth. And because that some Moneths be longer then some other be, it is thought good to make them euen by this meanes.
To euery moneth shal be appointed (as concerning this purpose) iust thirtie dayes.
And because Ianuary and March haue one day aboue the sayd number, and February, which is placed betweene them both, hath onely xxviij. dayes: February shall borrowe of either of the Moneths (of Ianuary and March) one day: and so the Psalter which shall bee read in February, must begin at the last day of Ianuary, and end the first day of March.
And whereas May, Iuly, August, October, and December haue xxxj. dayes apiece: It is ordered that the Psalmes shal be read the last day of the said Moneths, which were read the day before, so that the Psalter may begin againe the first day of the next moneth ensuing.
Now to know what Psalmes shall be read euery day: Looke in the Kalender the number that is appointed for the Psalmes, and then find the same number in this Table, and vpon that number you shall see what Psalmes shall be sayd at Morning and Euening prayer.
And where the Cxix. Psalme is diuided into xxij. portions, and is ouerlong to be read at one time: it is so ordered, that at one time shall not be read aboue foure or fiue of the said portions, as you shall perceiue to be noted in this Table following.
And here is also to bee noted, that in this Table, and in all other parts of the Seruice where any Psalms are appointed, the number is expressed after the great English Bible, which from the ix. Psalme vnto the Cxviij. Psalme, (following the diuision of the Hebrewes) doeth varie in numbers from the common Latine Translation.
The order how the rest of holy Scripture (beside the Psalter)
is appointed to bee read.
THe old Testament is appointed for the first Lessons at Morning and Euening prayer, and shalbe read through euery yeere once, except certaine Bookes and Chapters, which be least edifying, and might best be spared, and therfore are left vnread.
The New Testament is appointed for the second Lessons at Morning and Euening prayer, and shall be read ouer orderly euery yeere thrise, besides the Epistles and Gospels: except the Apocalypse, out of the which there be onely certaine Lessons appointed vpon diuers proper Feastes.
And to know what Lessons shall be read euery day, finde the day of the Moneth in the Kalender, going before and there ye shall perceiue the Bookes and Chapters that shall be read for the Lessons both at Morning and Euening prayer.
And here is to be noted, that whensoeuer there be any proper Psalmes or Lessons appointed for the Sundayes, or for any Feast, moueable or vnmoueable: then the Psalmes and Lessons appointed in the Kalender, shall be omitted for that time.
Ye must note also, that the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, appointed for the Sunday, shall serue all the weeke after, except there fall some Feast that hath his proper.
When the yeeres of our Lord may be diuided into foure euen parts, which is euery fourth yeere: then the Sunday letter leapeth, and that yeere the Psalmes and Lessons which serue for the xxiij. day of February, shall be read againe the day following, except it be Sunday, which hath proper Lessons of the old Testament, appointed in the Table seruing to that purpose.
Also, wheresoeuer the beginning of any Lesson, Epistle, or Gospel is not expressed, there yee must begin at the beginning of the Chapter.
And wheresoeuer is not expressed how farre shall be read, there shall you reade to the ende of the Chapter.
Item, so oft as the first Chapter of Saint Matthew is read either for Lesson or Gospel, ye shall begin the same at (Now the birth of Iesus Christ was on this wise, &c.) And the third Chapter of S. Luke Gospel, shalbe read vnto, Being as was supposed, the sonne of Ioseph, &c.
Proper Lessons to bee read for the first
Lessons, both at Morning and Euening prayer, on
the Sundayes throughout the yeere, and for some
also the second Lessons.
| Mattens. | Euensong. |
SVndayes of Aduent. The first. | Esa. j. | Esa. ij. |
ij. | v | xxiiij |
iij. | xxv | xxvj |
iiij. | xxx | xxxij |
Sundayes after Chrstmas. The first. | xxxvij | xxxviij |
ij. | xlj | xliij |
Sundayes after the Epiphany The first. | xliiij | xlvj |
ij. | lj | liiij |
iij. | lv | lvj |
iiij. | lvij | lviij |
v. | lix | lxiiij |
Septuagesima. | Gen. j. | Gen. ij. |
Sexagesima. | iij | vj |
Quinquagesima. | ix | xij |
Lent. First Sunday. | Gen. xix. | Gen. xxij. |
ij. | xxvij | xxxiiij |
iij. | xxxix | xxxiiij |
iiij. | xliij | xlv |
v. | Exod. iij. | Exod. v. |
vj. | ix | x |
Easter day. j. Lesson. | Exod. xij. | Exod. xiiii. |
ij. Lesson. | Rom. vj. | Act. ii. |
Sundayes after Easter. The first. | Num. xvi. | Num. xxii. |
ij. | xxiii | xxv |
iij. | Deut. iiii. | Deut. v. |
iiij. | vi | vii |
v. | viii | ix |
Sunday after Ascension day. | Deut. xii. | Deut. xiii. |
| Mattens. | Euensong. |
Whitsunday. j. Lesson. | Deut. xvi. | Wisedom. i. |
ij. Lesson. | Acts x. Then Peter opened his mouth, &c. | Acts xix. It fortuned ye while Apollo was at Corinth, &c. (vnto) After these things. |
Trintie Sunday. j. Lesson. | Gen. xviii. | Ioshua. i. |
ij. Lesson. | Matt. iii. | |
Sundayes after Trintie. First. | Iosh. x. | Iosh. xxiii |
ij. | Iudg. iiii. | Iudg. v. |
iij. | i.King. ii. | i.King. iii. |
iiij. | xii | xiii |
v. | xv | xvii |
vj. | ii.King. xii. | ii.King. xvii |
vij. | xii | xxiiii |
viij. | iii.King. xiii. | iii.King. xvii |
ix. | xviii | xix |
x. | xxi | xxii |
xj. | iiii.King. v. | iiii.King. ix. |
xij. | x | xviii |
xiij. | xix | xxiii |
xiiij. | Ierem. v. | Ierem. xxii. |
xv. | xxxv. | xxxvi |
xvj. | Ezech. ii. | Ezech. xiiii. |
xvij. | xvi | xviii |
xviij. | xx | xxiiii |
xix. | Dan. iii. | Daniel. vi. |
xx. | Ioel ii. | Mich. vi. |
xxj. | Abacuc ii. | Prouerb. i |
xxij. | Prouerb. ii. | Prouerb. iii. |
xxiij. | xi | xii |
xxiiij. | xiii | xiii |
xxv. | xv | xvi |
xxvj. | xvii | xix |
Lessons proper for Holy dayes.
| Mattens. | Euensong. |
S. Andrew. | Prouerb. xx. | Prou. xxi. |
S. Thomas the Apostle. | xxiii | xiiij |
Christmas day. j. Lesson. | Esa. ix | Esa. vii. Moreover ye Lord spake once &c. |
ij. Lesson. | Luke ii. vnto Good will toward men. | Titus iii. The kindnes & love &c. |
S. Steuen. j. Lesson. | Prou. xxviii. | Eccles. iiii. |
ij. Lesson. | Act. 6.and 7. And Steven ful of faith & power, &c. (vnto) And when forty yeeres, &c. | Acts 7. And when xl. yeres were expired there appeared unto Moses, &c. vnto, But he being full of the holy Ghost, &c. |
S. Iohn j. Lesson. | Eccles. v. | Eccles. vi. |
ij. Lesson. | Apoc. i. | Apoc. xxii. |
Innocents day. | Ierem. xxxi. vnto, I have surely heard Ephraim. | Wisd. i. |
Circumcision. j. Lesson. | Gen. xvii. | Deu. x. (vnto) And now Israel, &c. |
ii. Lesson. | Rom. ii. | Colos. ii. |
Epiphanie. i. Lesson. | Esa. xl. | Esa. xlix. |
ii. Lesson. | Luk. 3. (vnto) Beeing as was supposed, the sonne of Ioseph. | Iohn ii. (vnto) After this he went to Capernaum |
Conuersion of S. Paul. i. Lesson. | Wisd. v. | Wisd. vi. |
ii. Lesson. | Acts xxii. (vnto) They heard him. | Act. xxvi. |
Purification of the virgin Mary | Wisd. ix. | Wisd. xii. |
S. Matthias. | Wisd. xix. | Eccles. i. |
Annunciation of our Lady. | Eccles. ii. | Eccles. iii. |
Wednesday afore Easter. | Osee xiii. | Osee xiiii. |
Thursday afore Easter. | Dan. ix. | Ierem.xxxi. |
Good Friday | Gen. xxii. | Esa. liii. |
Easter Euen. | Zach. ix. | Exod. xiii. |
| Mattens. | Euensong. |
Munday in Easter weeke. i. Lesson | Exod. xvi. | Exod. xvii. |
ij. Lesson. | Matt. xxviij. | Acts. iij. |
Tuesday in Easter weeke. i. Lesson. | Exod. xx. | Exod. xxxij. |
ij. Lesson. | Luke xxiiij. (vnto) And behold two of them. | i. Corinth. xv. |
S. Marke. | Eccle. iiii. | Eccle. v. |
Philip & Iacob | Eccle. vij. | Ecle. ix. |
Ascension day. | Deut. x. | iiii. King. ij. |
Munday in Whitsunweeke. i. Lesson. | Gen. xi. (vnto) These are the generations of Shem. | Num. xj Gather unto me 70. men, &c. (vnto) Moses gate him into ye camp, &c. |
ij. Lesson. | i. Cor. xij. | |
Tuesday in Whitsunweeke. | i. King. xix. Dauid came to Samuel to Rama. &c. | Deut. xxx. |
S. Barnabe. i. Lesson. | Eccle. x. | Eccle. xii. |
ij. | Acts. xiiii. | Act. xv. (vnto) After certain dayes. |
S. Iohn Baptist. i. Lesson. | Mala. iii. | Mala. 4. |
ij. Lesson. | Matth. iii. | Mat. xiiii. (vnto) When Iesus heard |
S. Peter. i. Lesson. | Ecclu. xv. | Ecclu. xix. |
ij. Lesson. | Acts. iij. | Acts.iiij. |
S. Iames. | Ecclus. xxi. | Ecclus. xxij. |
S. Bartholomew. | xxv. | xxix. |
S. Matthew. | Ecclus. xxxv. | xxxviij. |
S. Michael. | xxxix. | xliiij. |
S. Luke. | Ecclus. li. | Iob i. |
Simon and Iude i. Lesson. | Iob xxiii. 25. | xlij. |
All Saints. i. Lesson. | Wisdome iii. (vnto) Wherefore blessed is the barren. | Wisedome v. (vnto) he shal take to &c. |
ij. Lesson. | Hebr. xi. xij. Saints by faith (vnto) If ye indure chastening. | Apocalyp. xix (vnto) And I saw an Angel stand. |
Proper Psalmes on certaine dayes.
| Mattens. | Euensong. |
Christmas day. | Psal. xix. xlv. lxxxv. | Psal. lxxxix. Cx. Cxxxii. |
Easter day. | Psal. ii. ivii. Cxi. | Psal. Cxiii. Cxiiii. Cxviii. |
Ascension day. | Psal. viii. xv. xxi. | Psal. xxiiii. lxviii. Cviii. |
Whitsunday. | Psal. xlv. xlvii. | Psal. Ciiii. Cxlv. |
The table for the order of the Psalmes,
to be said at Morning and Euening prayer.
Dayes of the Moneth. | Psalmes for Morning prayer. | Psalmes for Euening Prayer. |
1. | i. ii. ii. iiii. v. | vi. vij. viij. |
2. | ix. x. xi. | xij. xiij. xiiij. |
3. | xv. xvi. xvii. | xviij. |
4. | xix. xx. xxi. | xxij. xxiii. |
5. | xxiiiii. xxv. xxvi. | xxvii. xxviiii. xxix. |
6. | xxx. xxxi. | xxxii. xxxiiii. xxxiiii. |
7. | xxxv. xxxvi. | xxxvii. |
8. | xxxviii. xxxix. xl. | xli. xlii. xliii. |
9. | xliiii. xlv. xlvi. | xlvii. xlviii. xlix. |
10. | l. li. lii. | liii. liiii. lv. |
11. | lvi. lvii. lviii. | lix. lx. lxi. |
12. | lxii. lxiii. lxiiii. | lxv. lxvi. lxvii. |
13. | lxviii. | lxix. lxx. |
14. | lxxi. lxxii. | lxxiii. lxxiiii. |
15. | lxxv. lxxvi. lxxvij. | lxxviii. |
16. | lxxix. lxxx. lxxxi. | lxxxii. lxxxiii. lxxxiiii. lxxxxv. |
17. | lxxxvi. lxxxvii. lxxxviii. | lxxxix. |
18. | xc. xci. xcii. | xciii. xciiii. |
19. | xcv. xcvi. xcvii. | xcviii. xcix. c. ci. |
20. | cii. ciii. | ciiii. |
21. | cv. | cvi. |
22. | cvii. | cviii. cix. |
23. | cx. cxi. cxii. cxiij. | cxiiii. cxv. |
24. | cxvi. cxvij. cxviij. | cxix. Inde iiii. |
25. | Inde v. | Inde iiii. |
26. | Inde v. | Inde iiii. |
27. | cxx. cxxi. cxxii. cxxiii.cxxiiii. cxxv. | cxxvi. cxxvii. cxxviii. cxxix. cxxx. cxxxi. |
28. | cxxxij. cxxxiij. cxxxxiiij. cxxxv. | cxxxvi. cxxxvii. cxxxviii. |
29. | cxxxix. cxl. cxl. | cxlii. cxliii. |
30. | cxliiij. cxlv. cxlvi. | cxlvii. cxlviij. cxlix. cl. |
SEptuagesima before Easter ix weekes.
Sexagesima before Easter viij weekes.
Quinquagesima before Easter vij weekes.
ROgations after Easter v weekes.
Whitsunday after Easter vij weekes.
Trinitie Sunday vijj weekes.
These to be observed for Holy
dayes, and none other.
That is to say: All Sundayes in the yeere.
The dayes of the feasts of the Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Of the Epiphanie.
Of the Purification of the blessed Virgin.
Of Saint Matthias the Apostle.
Of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin.
Of Saint Marke the Evangelist.
Of S. Philip and Iacob the Apostles.
Of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Of the Natiuity of Saint John Baptist.
Of S. Peter the Apostle.
Of S. James the Apostle.
Of S. Bartholomew the Apostle.
Of S. Matthew the Apostle.
Of S. Michael the Archangel.
Of S. Luke the Evangelist.
Of S. Simon & Jude the Apostles.
Of All Saints.
Of S. Andrew the Apostle.
Of S. Thomas the Apostle.
Of the Natiuitie of our Lord.
Of S. Steuen the Martyr.
Of the Holy Innocents.
Munday and Tuesday in Easter weeke.
Munday and Tuesday in Whitsun weeke.
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