But in this every man raised in holiness
may know that he has the song of which I spake: if he can not sustain the cry
of singers unless his inward song be brought to mind, and he has glided, so to
say, into outward. That among singers and readers some are distracted from
their devotion is not from perfection but from unstableness of mind, because
other men's words break and destroy their prayers; and this forsooth happens
not to the perfect. They truly are so stabled that by no cry or noise or any
other thing can they be distracted from prayer or thought, but only cut off by
such from song. For truly this sweet ghostly song is specially worth because it
is given to the most special. It accords not with outward song, the which in
kirks and elsewhere are used. It discords mickle from all that is formed by
man's outward voice to be heard with bodily ears; but among angels tunes it has
an acceptable melody, and by them that have known it, it is commended with
See and understand and be not beguiled, for to
you I have shown, to the honour of Almighty God and to your profit, why I fled
strangers in the kirks, and for what cause I loved not to mingle with them, and
desired not to hear organ players. Truly they gave me letting from songful
sweetness, and made fail the full clear song. And therefore marvel not if I
fled that that confused me; and in that I had been to blame, if I had not left
what would have put me from so sweet song. Forsooth I had erred if I had done
otherwise. But well I knew of whom I received it. Therefore I have alway
conformed me to do His will, lest He should take from me, being unkind, that He
gave to me kindly. I had great liking to sit in the wilderness that I might
sing more sweetly far from noise; and with quickness of heart I might feel
sweetest praise; the which doubtless I have received of His gift whom above all
things I have wonderfully loved.
Truly my heart has not yearned in bodily desire,
nor have I conceived this comfortable song that I have sung, singing in Jesu,
from a creature. Therefore love has brought me thereto, that I should not stand
in the plight in which the unthrifty are cast down; but that I should be raised
above the height of all seen things, and from heaven should be kindled and
lightened to praise God, whose praising is not comely in the sinner's mouth.
To whom therefore that loves not anything save
one shall the window, unthirled by all, be opened; and no marvel it were
although his nature were changed into mobility of worthiness unable to be told,
and made clear and free; which noble clearness no man shall know in eternity
that now knows not love, and in Christ feels sweetness.
Nor doubtless ought I to cease from the best
tried devotion because of backbiters that have cast evil biting into mind
innocence; and I ought to cast all wickedness down, and love them that stirred
me to greater ill; and thereof grace shall have been increased to the lover
whiles he has not taken heed to words wavering in the wind, but with a perfect
heart shall spread himself forth to his love, and unwearily pursue his
Herefore truly the desire for vanity is vanished
and truthful love is risen in the mind, so that the soul of the lover shall not
wax cold but shall remain in comfortable heat and the heart shall not be
bruised from continual thought of his Beloved. Soothly in this steadfastness
the excellence of love happens to a true lover, so that he shall be raised up
to a fiery heaven and there shall be stirred to love more than may be spoken,
and shall be more burned within himself than can be shown, and shall halse the
degrees of grace. And hereof he has received and boldly say whatever he thinks;
though before he were holden--or else were--a fool and unwise.
But those taught by knowledge gotten, not inshed,
and puffed up with folded arguments, in this are disdainful: saying where
learned he? who read to him? For they trow not that the lovers of endless love
might be taught by their inward master to speak better than they taught of men,
that have studied at all times for vain honours.
If in the old time the Holy Ghost inspired many,
why should He not now take His lovers to contemplate the Joy of His Godhead?
Some of this time are approved to be even to those of former times. I call not
this approving men's allowance, for oft they err in their approving, choosing
such as God despised and despising those God has chosen. But such I call
allowed whom eternal love has pithily enflamed and the grace of the Holy Ghost
inspires to all good; these are marked with the flower of all virtue, and
continually sing in the love of God. And all that longs to the world's vain joy
and the false honours of cursed and proud life they tread under the feet of
their affections.
No marvel that these are outcasts of men. But in
the sight of God and the holy angels they are greatly commended; whose hearts
are strong to suffer all adversity, nor will they be blown about by the wind of
vanity. At the last they are borne to Christ with high holiness, when they that
men chose and allowed are cast down in damnation and are drawn in torments to
be punished with the fiends withouten end.