Preparing Texts for the CCEL Without Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is normally used for preparing documents for the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. However, if you don't have Word, you can still do most of the work in preparing a text--everything accept the final formatting, which can be done by someone else.

First of all, the text should be made to look as much like the print edition as possible, by including all of the text of the print edition and formatting it to look similar. Fonts, sizes, indentation, bold or italics, etc. should be used as they are in the print edition. Be sure to use the enter key only at the ends of paragraphs, not at the ends of lines. Greek or Hebrew text may be entered with Unicode or an appropriate font, such as SIL Galatia or SIL Ezra. If the word processor supports footnotes (and most do, besides WordPad), these should be entered using the word processor's footnotes facility. Finally, the document can be saved in RTF format and submitted to the CCEL.

If you are so inclined, adding a couple of extra formatting codes would be helpful:

Finally, those who want to add more (or all) of the formatting needed for the CCEL, even though it will take some time to learn, may refer to the document ThML: Theological Markup Language and add ThML markup tags into the word processing file.

This document (last modified September 22, 1998) from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library server, at @Wheaton College