4-6s & 2-8s.

1 SINNERS, lift vp your hearts,
The promise to receive!
Jesus himself imparts,
He comes in man to live;
The Holy Ghost to man is given;
Rejoice in God sent down from heaven.

2 Jesus is glorified,
And gives the Comforter,
His Spirit, to reside
In all his members here;
The Holy Ghost to man is given;
Rejoice in God sent down from heaven.

3 To make an end of sin,
And Satan's works destroy,
He brings his kingdom in,
Peace, righteousness, and joy;
The Holy Ghost to man is given;
Rejoice in God sent down from heaven.

4 The cleansing blood to apply,
The heavenly life display,
And wholly sanctify,
And seal us to that day,
The Holy Ghost to man is given;
Rejoice in God sent down from heaven.

5 Sent down to make us meet
To see his glorious face,
And grant us each a seat
In that thrice happy place,
The Holy Ghost to man is given;
Rejoice in God sent down from heaven.

6 From heaven he shall once more
Triumphantly descend,
And all his saints restore
To joys that never end;
Then, then, when all our joys are given,
Rejoice in God, rejoice in heaven.

This document (last modified July 18, 1995) from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library server, at @Wheaton College