6-7s. Acts viii. 35.

1 WHEN thou hast disposed a heart
Saving truth with joy to hear,
Utterance, Lord, thou dost impart
To thy chosen messenger;
Then he finds the scripture key,
Then he speaks, and preaches thee.

2 Jesus, in the sacred book
Thou art everywhere concealed:
There for thee alone we look,
By thy Spirit's light revealed,
Thee set forth before our eyes
Faith in every page descries.

3 Thee we preach to sinful men,
Urging them their Lord to embrace,
Pardon in thy blood to gain,
Hope for all the promised grace;
None but Christ on earth we know,
None but Christ to others show.

This document (last modified July 18, 1995) from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library server, at @Wheaton College