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Ernest Springer, President and Founder of Old Paths Publications will be giving a lecture at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, PA on July 16, 1997 at 7:00 pm. The subject of the lecture is the importance of reading Christian literature. For more information, please contact Old Paths Publications at books@oldpathspublications.com

Old Paths Publications turned five years old this year. Since the beginning of this ministry we have seen some changes in the depth of selected materials for publishing, yet, by God's grace we have maintained a steadfast defense of the truth. Truth is not always popular, but it must be published nonetheless. As we move forward, and if the Lord should tarry, we will continue to unearth the great works of our Reformed heritage and publish them abroad. We may also attempt to address some contemporary issues that plague the true Church of Jesus Christ as well as those issues that attack the true Gospel. Pray with us that the Lord may see fit to use Old Paths as a vehicle of proclamation.