Editing ThML Documents in Word

Etexts prepared for the CCEL can be prepared in Microsoft Word, another word processor, with an XML editor, or with a plain text editor. This document describes techniques and tools that simplify editing ThML in Word.

After a document is prepared in Word, a program will convert to ThML. The ThML documents can be used directly by browers that understand XML, such as Internet Explorer 5, and they can be converted to other desired formats, such as html webs, text, and others.

These are preliminary guidelines, still under development and subject to change. I'd be happy to have your comments or suggestions! Drop me a @note with your comments. Note also that the guidelines are currently a bit behind the latest version of the language: I hope to update the guidelines over Christmas break (but I'm not saying which Christmas!)

The following resources are available. You can look at the HTML version of documents, but for best results, you should get the RTF version and display it in Word -- the conversion to HTML lost some formatting.

This document (last modified February 02, 1999) from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library server, at @Wheaton College