Studies / Conferences |
Dating, Courtship & Marriage By Benny Ho S$20 (3hours)
Pastor Benny Ho
shares from his heart, some of the critical issues to consider when relating to the opposite sexes and in choosing the right partner for your life. Topics include: - Biblical Principles on Relationship between the opposite sexes - Differentiating
between Love & Infatuation... |
Divine Healing & Health By Derek Hong S$20 (6hours) This series of teaching will provide you with the keys to tap into God's power to heal the sick. It will also highlight some amazing truths from the Bible which when put into practice will enable you to enjoy health. - God wants to heal - Approaching God for healing... |
Financial Planning By TG Tay & Benny Ong S$25 (7hours) This module teaches the practical and 'uncommon sense' approach to making Wise Financial Decisions according to the Bible. This Expanded Edition covers the following areas: - Is The Stock Market for everyone? - Can I live this life without any
borrowings?... |
Hell's Best Kept Secret By Ray Comfort S$25 (13hours) Discover when, why and how the enemy buried an important key needed to unlock the unbeliever's heart. If you're experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners and backslidden "believers", look no further. Ray Comfort calls for a return to biblical evangelism. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ! |
Journey To Holiness By Noel Goh & Paul Tan S$20 (2.5hours) This 4-part teaching module will take you through vivid visual illustrations of the Tabernacle of Moses and its furniture. It will draw precious truths concerning God's plans for His people to 'Journey to Holiness' from the 'Outer Court' to the 'Holy Place' and right into the 'Holy of Holies'. Your understanding of the Tabernacle of Moses will never be the same again!
Israel- God's Timeclock By TG Tay S$20 (5hours) This 4-part teaching will take you on a tour of history to look at the calling of Israel and their association with the land they occupy now. It will help you to interpret the precise fulfillment of Bible prophecies through present day events. Through this teaching, you will learn to discern God's timeclock concerning the 2nd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ... |
Israel & End-Time Revival By Peter Tsukahira S$20 (3hours) This live-recorded seminar provides valuable insights and understanding on the current Middle-East conflict and helps you appreciate the hour we are living in. It will also help you to interpret the amazing fulfillment of Bible prophecies in our time... |
The Passover Celebration By Joel Baker S$15 (1hour) This teaching helps believers to have a better understanding of the background to the Lord's Last Supper and the Holy Communion. Its instructional presentation of the Passover Feast also enables Pastors, Teachers and Fathers to conduct and lead in Passover Celebrations for their churches and families... |
The Vibrant Christian Life By Daniel Foo S$20 (9hour) This is a 5-module foundational teaching, based on a series of 5 seminars recorded 'live' in Singapore in 2002, on how you can live a vibrant Christian life. It will provide valuable keys and the necessary disciplines for every believer to be an overcomer in Christ... |
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For more details on these titles, please visit our website at www.TeachHisWord.org |