- BLOSIUS (Louis de Blois).
- Mons.
- Mons.
1. Texts. 2. Translations. 3. Biographies and
Note. For early lives and legends of all canonized and beatified
Christian mystics, see Acta Sanctorum Bollandiana, Jan.-Oct. vi. Brussels
1643-1794; Oct. vii.-Nov., Brussels and Paris, 1845-1910. (In progress.)
See also Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique for biographies, with
bibliographical notes.
The Cloud of Unknowing. Edited, from B. M. Harl., 674, by E. Underhill.
London, 1912.
The Cloud of Unknowing, Epistle of Privy Counsel and Denis Hid Divinity.
Edited by Dom Justin McCann, O.S.B. (Orchard Books.) London, 1924.
Part II., E. Gardner: The Cell of Self Knowledge.)
The Mirror of Simple Souls. Edited [with some omissions] by Clare
Kirschberger. (Orchard Books.) London, 1928.
The Confessions of Al Ghazzali. Translated by Claud Field. (Wisdom of the
East Series.) London, 1909.
The Alchemy of Happiness. Translated by Claud Field. (Wisdom of the East
Series.) London, 1910. (See also in Part II.,
Massignon, L. La Passion de Al-Halladj. 2 tomes. Paris, 1922. (See
also Part II., Maréchal.)
Le livre de la Bienheureuse Angèle de Foligno. Annoté par
Paul Doncoeur. t. I. Texte latin. Paris, 1925. t. II. Documents originaux.
Paris, 1926.
Le livre de l'experiènce des vrais fidèles de Ste
Angèle de Foligno. Trad. par M. J. Ferré. Edition critique: texte
latin et traduction française. Paris,
1927. (These two, from the earliest MSS.,
supersede all previous editions.)
Beatae Angela de Fulginio Visionum ët Instructionum Liber (Bibliotheca
mystica et ascetica, t. V.) Cologne, 1849.
The Book of Divine Consolations of the Blessed Angela of Foligno.
Translated by M. Steegmann. With an Introduction by Algar Thorold. (New
Mediaeval Library.) London, 1908.
Il Libro delle Mirabili Visioni Consolazioni e Istruzioni della B. Angela
di Foligno. Translated by Luigi Fallacara. Florence, 1926.
Ferré, M. J. Oeuvres authentiques d'Angèle de Foligno.
(Revue d'histoire francescaine, July, 1927.)
--Principales dates de la Vie d'Angèle de Foligno, (ibid., Jan.,
--Les oeuvres d'Angèle de Foligno, (ibid., Oct. 1425).
St. Anselm Opera. (Migne, Patrologia Latina. t. 158-59.) Paris, 1844.
Meditations et Prières de S. Anselme. Traduction par A Wilmart
Maredsous, 1923.
Rule, M. Life and Times of St. Anselm. London, 1883.
Opera Omnia. (Migne, Patrologia Latina. t. 37-47.) Paris, 1844,
Confessionum, libri tredecim. Ex recog. P. Knöll. Lipsiae, 1898.
Confessions. Edited by J. Gibb and W. Montgomery. (Cambridge Patristic
Texts.) 1908. [Latin text and English notes.]
Works. Edited by Marcus Dods. 15 vols. Edinburgh, 1876.
Works. Trans. and annotated by J. E. Pilkington and others. 8 vols.
(Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers.) London, 1888-92.
The Confessions. Translated by Dr. E. B. Pusey. London,1907.
The Confessions (first nine books). Trans. by C. Bigg. London, 1898.
Bertrand, L. St. Augustin. Paris, 1913.
English trans., London, 1914.
Harnack, A. Augustins Confessionen. Giessen, 1895.
Opera Omnia. Notis et observationibus. J. Mabillon. (Migne, Patrologia
Latina, 182-185.) Paris, 1854.
Life and Works of St. Bernard. Edited by Dom J. Mabillon O.S.B. Translated
and edited by S. L. Eales, M.A. 4 vols. London, 1889-96. (Vols. I. and II.,
Letters; III., Letters and Sermons; IV., Sermons on the Song of Songs.)
Cantica Canticorum: Sermons on the Song of Songs. Translated by S. J.
Eales, M.A. London, 1895.
Sermons on the Canticles. 2 vols. Dublin, 1920.
St. Bernard on the Love of God. Translated by Edmund Gardner. London, 1916.
St. Bernard on Consideration. Translated by G. Lewis. Oxford, 1908.
Suggestions on the Method of Meditation, extracted from St. Bernard's Scala
Claustralium by W. B. Trevelyan. London, 1904.
Morrison, J. Cotter. Life and Times of St. Bernard, Abbot of
Clairvaux. Second edition. London, 1868.
Ratisbonne, M., Histoire de Bernard et son siècle. II
ème édition. 2 vols. Paris, 1903.
Schuck, J. Das religiose Erlebnis beim H. Bernhard von Clairvaux.
Wurzbourg, 1922.
Vacandard, E. Vie de S. Bernard. Paris, 1895.
Williams, Watkin. Studies in St. Bernard of Clairvaux. London, 1927.
The writings of William Blake. Edited by Geoffrey Keynes. 3 vols. London,
Poetry and Prose of William Blake. Edited by Geoffrey Keynes, complete in
one volume. London, 1927.
Prophetic Writings. Edited with Introduction, etc., by D. J. Sloss and A.
Wallis. 2 vols. Oxford, 1926.
Works: Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. Edited by E. J. Ellis and W. B.
Yeats. 3 vols. London, 1893.
Poetical Works: new and verbatim text by J. Sampson. Oxford, 1905.
Blake's "Jerusalem." Edited by E. R. D. Maclagen and A. G. B. Russell.
London 1904.
Blake's "Milton." Edited by E. R. D. Maclagen and A. G. B. Russell. London
The Letters of William Blake, and Life by F. Tatham. Edited by A. G. B.
Russell. London, 1906.
Berger, P. William Blake: Mysticisme et Poesie. Paris, 1907.
Damon, S. F. W. Blake, his philosophy and symbols. London,
De Selincourt, Basil. William Blake. London, 1909.
Gardner, C. William Blake the Man. London, 1919.
Gilchrist, Alexander. Life of William Blake. London, 1880.
Plowman, M. Introduction to the Study of Blake. London, 1927.
Saurat, D. Blake and Modern Thought. London. 1929.
Swinburne, A. C. William Blake. London, 1868.
Symons, Arthur. William Blake. London, 1907.
Wicksteed, J. Blake's Vision of the Book of Job. London, 1910.
Wilson, Mona. Life of William Blake. London, 1927.
Wright. Thomas. Life of William Blake. 2 vols. London, 1929.
Opera. Antwerp, 1632.
Oeuvres Spirituelles, trad. par les Benedictins de S. Paul de Wisques. (In
progress.) Paris, 1911, etc.
The Book of Spiritual Instruction. London, 1925.
A Mirror for Monks. London, 1926.
The Sanctuary of the Faithful Soul. 2 vols. London, 1920-7.
The Paradise of the Faithful Soul. 2 vols. London, 1928-30.
J. Boehme, Sein Leben und seine theosophischen Werke in geordneten Auszuge
mit Einleitungen und Erläuterungen. Allen Christglaubigen dargeboten durch
J. Claassen. 3 Bands Stuttgart, 1885.
Theosophia revelata. Das ist: Alle göttliche Schriften. . . . J.
Böhmens. 7 vols. Amsterdam, 1730-31.
The Works of Jacob Boehme. In 4 vols., with Life of the Author. English
translation. London, 1764-81. (The only collected English edition, but
incomplete. All Boehme's works were translated by Sparrow and others in the
seventeenth century and have since been re-issued. See below. For full
bibliography, see `William Law and the English Mystics,' by C. Spurgeon, in
`Cambridge History of English Literature.')
The Threefold Life of Man. With an Introduction by the Rev. G. W. Allen.
London, 1909.
The Three Principles of the Divine Essence. With an Introduction by Dr.
Paul Deussen. London, 1910.
The Forty Questions of the Soul and the Clavis. London, 1911.
Six Theosophic Points. Translated by J. R. Earle. London, 1919.
Mysterium Magnum. Edited by C. J. Barker. London, 1924.
De Electione Gratiae and Quaestiones Theosophicae. Translated by J. R.
Earle. London, 1930.
Treatises of Jacob Boehme. London, 1769.
Dialogues on the Supersensual Life. Edited, with an Introduction, by
Bernard Holland. London, 1901.
The Signatures of All Things. (Everyman's Library.) London, 1912.
The Way to Christ. London, 1912.
The Epistles of Jacob Boehme, reprinted from the 1689 edition. 1886.
Confessions. Edited by W. S. Palmer. London, 1920.
Memoirs of the life, death, burial, and wonderful writings of J. Behmen.
Now first done at large into English from the original German. With preface by
J. Okeley. Northampton, 1780.
Boutroux, E. Le Philosophe Allemand, Jacob Boehme. Paris, 1888.
Hartmann, F. The Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme. London, 1891.
Martensen, H. L. Jakob Böhme. Theosophische Studien.
Grafenhainichen, 1882.
Translation. Jacob Behmen: His life and teaching. London, 1885.
Taylor, Edward. J. Behmen's theosophick philosophy unfolded. 1691.
Whyte, Rev. Alexander. Jacob Böhme: an Appreciation. Edinburgh,
Opera Omnia. Editae a P. P. Collegii S. Bonaventurae. 10 t. Ad Claras Aquas
1882. 1902.
Théologie Séraphique, extraite et traduite par C. et A. Alix.
2 vols. Paris, 1853
Les six Ailes du Seraphin. Paris, 1860. (There are no English translations.
The `Soliloquies ` and `Meditations' attributed to St. Bonaventura are not
authentic. For his life of St. Francis, vide infra, Francis of Assisi,
Bollea, B. L. C. II mysticismo di S. Bonaventura studiato nelle sue
antecedenza e nelle sue esplicazione. Torino, 1901.
Gilson, E. La Philosophie de S. Bonaventure. Paris, 1924.
Lutz, E. Die Psychologie Bonaventuras nach den quellen dargestellt.
(Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters.) Munster, 1909.
Oeuvres. 19 tomes. Amsterdam, 1686.
Anon. An Apology for Mrs. Antonia Bourignan. London, 1699.
Cockburn, J. Bourignianism Detected: or, the Delusions and Errors of
Antonia Bourignan and her growing Sect. London, 1689.
MacEwen, A. R. Antoinette Bourignan, Quietist. London, 1910.
Von der Linde, A. Antoinette Bourignan, das Licht der Welt. Leyden,
Revelationes. Rome, 1628.
Vita S. Brigettae. Edited by M. Annerstedt. Upsala, 1876.
Flavigny, Comtesse de. Ste. Brigitte de Suede. Paris, 1910.
Hormann, P. Simon. Birgittenischer Calender, 1676, Reprint, Munich,
Williamson, B. The Bridgettine Order. London, 1922.
Dialogues. (Migne, Patrologia Latina. t. 49, 50.) Paris, 1845.
Cassian: (Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Ser. II.). London, 1894.
Lettere. Edited by Gherardi. Florence, 1890.
Vita, par S. Razzi. Lucca, 1594.
Vie, par H. Bayonne. Paris, 1873.
Vita Mirabile e dottrina celeste di Santa Caterina da Genova, insieme col
Trattato del Purgatorio e col Dialogo della Santa. 1743.
Dialogo di S. Caterina da Genova. Milano,
1882. (The authenticity of this dialogue is denied
by Von Hügel.)
The Treatise on Purgatory. With a Preface by Cardinal Manning. London, 1858.
La Vie et les Oeuvres de Ste. Catherine de Gênes, traduits par le
Vicomte de Bussierre. Paris, 1860.
Vallebona, S. La Perla dei Fieschi. Genova,
1887. (See also Pt. II., Von Hügel, for the
best modern account of this mystic.)
S. Catherinae Senensis Vitae. Auctore Fr. Raimundo Capuano. Acta S.S.
Aprilis. T. III. Paris and Rome, 1860.
Opere della Seraphica Santa Caterina da Siena. Edited by Gigli. 5 vols.
Siena, 1727.
Le lettere di S. Caterina da Siena. Edited by P. Misciatelli. 6 vols.
Siena, 1922.
The Divine Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena. Translated by Algar Thorold.
Second ed. London, 1926.
St. Catherine of Siena as seen in her Letters. Edited by Vida Scudder.
London. 1905.
Curtayne A. St. Catherine of Siena. London, 1929.
Drane, A T. The History of St. Catherine of Siena and her
Companions. 2 vols. London, 1887.
Fawtier, R. Ste. Catherine de Sienne; essai de critique des sources,
T. I. Paris, 1921.
Gardner, Edmund. St. Catherine of Siena. London, 1907. (The best
modern biography.)
Joergensen, J. Ste. Catherine de Sienne. Paris, 1920.
Mignaty, M. A. Catherine de Sienne. Paris, 1886.
Vie et Oeuvres. 8 vols. Paris, 1874-79.
Her Spirit as shown in her Letters. London, 1922, selected Letters. London,
Bougaud, E. Histoire de Ste. Chantal. 2 t. Paris, 1899.
Bremond, H. Ste. Chantal. 3 ème édition. Paris, 1912.
Sanders, E. K., St. Chantal. London, 1918.
Opera Omnia. Recog. R. Klotz. 4 vols. Lipsiae, 1831-34.
Writings, translated by W. Wilson. 2 vols. Edinburgh. 1867-69.
De Faye. Clément d'Alexandrie. Paris, 1898.
Tollinton, R. B. Clement of Alexandria. 2 vols. London, 1914.
Wagner. Der Christ und die Welt nach Clemens von Alexandrien.
Göttingen, 1903.
Tutte le Opere. Rived nel testo da Dr. E. Moore. Oxford, 1894.
La Divina Commedia. II testo Wittiano rived. da Toynbee. London, 1900.
The Hell of Dante. Edited, with Translation and Notes, by A. J. Butler.
London, 1892.
The Purgatory. London, 1880.
The Paradise. London, 1885.
The Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. Text, with Translation by Carlyle.
Okey, and Wicksteed. (Temple Classics.) 3 vols. London, 1900.
Readings on the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso; chiefly based on the
Commentary of Benvenuto da Imola by W. W. Vernon. 6 vols. London, 1894-1900.
The Convivio of Dante. Translated by P. H. Wicksteed. (Temple Classics.)
London. 1903.
Dante's Convivio. Translated by W. W. Jackson. Oxford, 1909.
Dante's Eleven Letters. Translated, with Notes, &c., by C. S. Latham.
Boston, 1902.
A Translation of Dante's Latin Works. (Temple Classics.) London, 1896.
The New Life. Translated by D. G. Rossetti. (The Siddal Edition.) London,
Baratono, A. Dante e la Visione di Dio. 1909.
Barelli, V. L'Allegoria della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri.
Firenze, 1864.
Bonanni, T. II Cantico al Sole di S. Francesco d'Assisi commentato
nella Divina Commedia. Aquila. 1890.
Capetti V. L'Anima e l'arte di Dante. 1907.
Carroll Rev. J. S. Exiles of Eternity: an Exposition of Dante's
Inferno. London, 1903.
--Prisoners of Hope: an Exposition of Dante's Purgatorio. London, 1906.
Ciuffo, G. La visione ultima della Vita Nuova. 1899.
Croce, B. La Poesia di Dante. Rome, 1921.
Translation. The Poetry of Dante. London, 1922.
Dunbar, H. F. Symbolism in Mediaeval Thought and its Consummation in
the Divine Comedy. Oxford, 1929.
Fardel, M. D. La Personne de Dante dans la Divine Comédie:
étude psychologique. Paris, 1894.
Gardner, Edmund. Dante's Ten Heavens. London, 1898.
--Dante and the Mystics. London, 1913.
--A Dante Primer. Third edition. London, 1923.
Guiliozzi, C. Dante e il Simbolismo. 1900.
Hettinger, Franz. Dante's Divina Commedia, its Scope and Value.
Translated and edited by Rev. H. S. Bowden. London, 1887.
Perez, Paolo. I Sette Cerchi del Purgatorio di Dante, Saggio
di Studi. Milano, 1896.
Wicksteed, Rev. P. H. Dante: Six Sermons. Second edition. London,
--Dante and Aquinas. London, 1913.
--From Vita Nuova to Paradiso. London, 1922. (I select from the mass of
Dante literature a few books useful to the student of mysticism. For full
bibliographies, see the works of Vernon and Gardner, above cited.)
Doctoris Ecstatici D. Dionysii Cartusiani opera omnia in unum corpus
digesta. Cura et labore monachorum S. Ordinis Cartusiensis. 45 vols. (In
progress.) Monstrolii, 1896, etc.
D. Dionysii Carthusiani de perfecto mundi contemptu. Colonie, 1533.
Krogh-Tonning, K. Der Letzte Scholastiker. 1904.
Loër. Dionysii Carthusiani doctorus extatici vita. Cologne,
Mougel, D. A. Denys le Chartreux. Montreuil-sur-Mer, 1896.
Opera Omnia. (Migne, Patrologia Graeca. t. 3-4.) Paris, 1855
Greek text of the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, with Preface by Rev. John
Parker. London, 1899.
Dionise Hid Divinity. (An old English translation of the Theologia Mystica,
attributed to the author of The Cloud of Unknowing, q.v.)
Opera S. Dionysii Areopagitae, &c., a Balthazar Corderius Latine
interpretata. Folio. 1634.
Oeuvres de Saint Denys l'Aréopagite. Traduits du grec et
precédées d'une Introduction par l'Abbé Darboy. Paris,
The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite. Translated by the Rev. J. Parker. 2
vols. Oxford, 1897.
The Divine Names and Mystical Theology. Translated by C. E. Rolt. London,
Ball, Hugo. Byzantin, Christentum III. Heiligen leben. Munich, 1923.
Colet, J. Two Treatises on the Hierarchies of Dionysius. London,
Erigena. Expositiones super Hierarchies Caelestes S. Dionysii. Roma,
Koch, Dr. Hugo. Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. Maintz, 1900.
Müller, H. F. Dionysius, Proclus, Plotinus. Munster, 1918.
La Vie de Ste. Douceline, fondatrice des béguines de Marseilles.
Annoté par J. H. Albanés. (Provençal text, French
translation.) Marseille, 1879.
Macdonell, Anne. Saint Douceline. London, 1905.
Kostis Reise von Morgen gegen Mittag. Leipzig, 1795.
Gott ist die reinste Liebe. Neu ungearbeitet und vermehrt son F. X. Steck.
Reutlingen, 1899.
Der Wolke vor dem Heiligthume. 1802.
God is Love most pure, my Prayer and my Contemplation. Freely translated
from the original by J. Grant. London, 1817.
The Cloud upon the Sanctuary. Translated, with Notes, by Isabel de Steiger.
London, 1896.
Deutsche Mystiche des 14ten Jahrhunderts. Band 2. Meister Eckhart. F.
Pfeiffer. Göttingen, 1906.
Meister Eckhart's Schriften und Predigten aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen
übersetzt und herausgegeben von Büttner. Leipzig, 1903.
Meister Eckhart's lateinische Schriften. Edited by Denifle. (Archiv. fur
Litt. u. Kirchengeschichte d. Mittelalters, 1886.)
Meister Eckhart's Mystische Schriften, an unsere Sprache übertragen
von Gustav Landauer. (Verschollene Meister der Literatur.) Berlin, 1903.
Eckhart's Sermons, etc. Translated by C. de B. Evans. London, 1924.
Denifle, H. S. Akten z. Process, Meister Eckhart's. (Archiv. fur
Litt. u. Kirchengeschichte d. Mittelalters, 1886).
Jundt, A. Essai sur le Mysticisme speculatif de Maitre Eckhart.
Strasbourg, 1871.
Lasson, A. Meister Eckhart der Mystiker. Berlin, 1868.
Martensen, H. Meister Eckhart, Eine theologische Studie. Hamburg,
Michelsen. Carl. Meister Eckhart, Ein Versuch. 1888.
Die Visionen. Edited by F. W. Roth. Brünn. 1884.
Opera. (Migne, Patrologia Latina. t. 122.) Paris. 1850.
De Divisione Naturae. Monasterii Guestphal, 1838.
Gardner, Alice. Studies in John the Scot. London, 1900.
Journal of George Fox. Edited from the MSS. by N. Penney. Cambridge, 1911.
Short Journal and Itinerary Journals. Edited by N. Penney. Cambridge, 1925.
Braithwaite, W. The Beginnings of Quakerism. London, 1912.
Hodgkin, T. George Fox. London, 1896.
Watson, J. S. Life of Fox. London, 1860.
Opuscula S. Patris Francisci Assisiensis. Quarrachi, 1904.
Seraphici Doctoris S. Bonaventura Legendae duae de Vita S. Francisci
Seraphici. Editae a P.P. Collegii S. Bonaventurae. Quarrachi, 1898.
S. Francisci Assisiensis. Vita et Miracula. Auctore Fr. Thoma de Celano.
Edited by Fr. E. Alençon, O.F.M. Roma, 1906.
La Leggenda di S. Francisco scritta da tre suoi compagni. (Latin and
Italian.) Roma, 1899.
Speculum Perfectionis seu S. Francisci Assisiensis legenda antiquissima,
auctore Fr. Leo. Ed. P. Sabatier. Paris, 1898.
I Fioretti di S. Francesco e il Cantico del Sole. Milano, 1907.
Bartolommeo da Pisa. De Conformitate B. Francisci ad Vitam Domini Jesu.
(Analecta Franc. iv. et v. Quarrachi, 1906-12.)
The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi. Newly translated, with an
Introduction and Notes, by Fr. Paschal Robinson, O.F.M. London, 1906.
The Words of St. Francis from His Works and the Early Legends. Selected and
translated by Anne Macdonell. London, 1904.
The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi. New translation into English from
the original texts, by Constance Countess de la Warr London, 1907.
The Life of St. Francis, by St. Bonaventura. English translation. (Temple
Classics.) London, 1904.
The Lives of St. Francis of Assisi, by Brother Thomas of Celano. Translated
by A. G. Ferrers Howell. London, 1908.
Legend of St. Francis by the Three Companions. English translation by E. G.
Salter. (Temple Classics.) London 1902.
The Mirror of Perfection. English translation by Robert Steele. (Temple
Classics.) London, 1903.
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi. Translated by T. W. Arnold.
(Temple Classics.) Sixth edition. London, 1903.
Cotette, T. S. François d'Assise. Étude
Médicale. Paris 1895.
Cuthbert, Fr. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. London, 1914.
Fortini, A. Nova vita di S. Francesco d'Assisi. Milan, 1926.
Joergensen, J. Vie de S. François d'Assise. Paris, 1911.
Translation, by T. O'Connor Sloane. London, 1922.
Parenti, Giovanni. Sacrum Commercium: the Converse of Francis and
his Sons with Holy Poverty. (Latin text and English translation by Canon
Rawnsley. Introduction by P. Sabatier.) Temple Classics. London, 1904.
Robinson, Fr. Pascal, O.F.M. A Short Introduction to Franciscan
Literature. New York, 1907, (A valuable and scholarly little book.)
Sabatier, P. Vie de S. François d'Assise. 22me edition.
Paris, 1899.
Translation. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. Translated by L. S. Houghton.
London, 1901.
Oeuvres Complètes. 22 vols. Annecy, 1893-1925.
Introduction à la Vie Dévote. (Réimpression textuelle
de latroisième édition.) 2 tomes. Mountiers, 1895.
Traicté de l'Amour de Dieu. Paris, 1647.
Introduction to the Devout Life. Trans. by Rev. A. Ross. London, 1925.
On the Love of God. Edited by W. J. Knox Little. London, 1901.
Spiritual Letters. Trans. by Sidney Lear. London, 1892.
Hamon. Vie de S. François de Sales. 2 vols. Paris, 1854.
Eng. trans. by H. Burton. 2 vols. London, 1929.
Sanders, E. K. St. François de Sales. London, 1928.
Thamery, E. Le mysticisme de S. François de Sales. Arras,
Vincent, F. S. François de Sales, Directeur d'Ames. Paris,
(See Part I. Merswin, Suso, Tauler; and Part II., Dalgairns, Delacroix,
Denifle, Jones Jundt, Preger; also Pfeiffer, Deutsche Mystiche der 14ten
Jahrhunderts. Bänd I. Göttingen, 1907.)
Gerardi Magni epist. XIV edit. J. G. Acquoy Amsterdam, 1857.
Moll, W. and Scheffer, H. Studien en Bijdragen t. I., II., III Amsterdam,
1870-76 (for texts of Gerard Groot's works).
Thomas à Kempis, Opera Omnia. Paris, 1549. (Containing early lives
of G. Groot and other founders of the New Devotion.)
Bonet-Maury. G. Groot un precurseur de la Reforme. Paris, 1878.
Grube, C. L. Gerhard Groot u s. Stiftungen. Cologne, 1883.
Des Augustines propstes J. Busch Chron. Windesheimense Bearbeitet.
(Geschichtsquellen des Prov. Sachsen, Bd. 19, 1880.)
Opera Omnia. 3 vols. Antwerp, 1706.
Masson, A. L. Jean Gerson, sa vie, son temps. Lyons, 1894.
Schwab J. B. Johannes Gerson. Wurtzburg, 1858.
Sanctae Gertrudis magnae Virginis ordinis S. Benedicti, Legatus Divinae
Pietatis. Accedunt ejusdem exercitia spiritualia. (Contained in Revelationes
Gertrudianae ac Mechtildianiae. Vol. I. Paris, 1875.)
The Exercises of St. Gertrude. London, 1863.
Le Heraut de l'amour divin, trad. par les P. P. Benedictins Nouv. ed.
Paris, 1921.
Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechthild. London, 1917.
Ledos, G. Ste. Gertrude. Paris, 1901.
The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude, by a Religious of the Order of
Poor Clares. London, 1865.
Oeuvres Complètes. 40 vols. Paris, 1789-91.
Vie, par Elle-même. 3 tomes. Paris, 1791.
Lettres. 4 vols. Paris, 1718.
Receuil de divers traitez de Théologie Mystique. Paris, 1699.
Les Opuscules Spirituelles. 2 vols. Paris, 1790.
(Contains the Moyen Court, Torrents, and minor tracts and letters.)
Autobiography of Mme. Guyon. Translated in full by T. T. Allen. 2 vols.
London, 1897.
A Short Method of Prayer and Spiritual Torrents. Translated by A. W.
Marston. London, 1875.
A Short and Easy Method of Prayer. (Heart and Life Booklets.) London, 1900.
Masson, Maurice. Fénelon et Mme. Guyon. Paris, 1907.
Upham, T. C. Life, Religious Opinions, and Experience of Mme. Guyon.
New edition. With an Introduction by W. R. Inge, London, 1905.
(See also Part II., Delacroix and Leuba.)
The Divan. Translated into prose, with a Life, note on Sufiism, &c., by
H. W. Clarke. 2 vols. London, 1891.
Ghazels from the Divan of Hafiz, done into English by J. H. McCarthy.
London, 1893.
Analecta S. Hildegardis opera, Spicilegio Solesmensi parata. (Pitra,
Analecta Sacra, Vol. VIII.) Paris, 1882.
Révélations. 2 vols. Paris, 1912.
Bronarski. Lieder der h. Hildegard. Leipzig, 1922.
Cochem, M. von. Hildegardis die Heilige. Passau, 1844.
Godefridus. Vie de Ste. Hildegarde. 1907.
May, J. Die h. Hildegard. Munich, 1911.
Renard J. Histoire de Ste. Hildegarde. Paris, 1865.
Singer, C. Scientific views of St. Hildegarde. London, 1917.
The Scale of Perfection. Edited from MS. sources, with an Introduction, by
E. Underhill. London, 1923.
The Scale of Perfection, Modernized from the first printed edition, with an
Introduction from the French of Dom M. Noetinger (Orchard Books.) London, 1927.
Minor Works. Edited by D. Jones. (Orchard Books.) London, 1929.
(Only the first piece, Mixed Life, can be ascribed to Hilton with
certainty. His other authentic work, The Song of Angels, is printed by Gardner,
The Cell of Self-Knowledge. See Part II.)
Opera Omnia. (Migne, Patrologia Latina. t. 175-177.) Paris, 1854.
Hauréau, J. B. Les oeuvres de Hugues de S. Victor:
essai critique Paris, 1886.
Mignon, A. Les origines de la Scholastique et Hugues de S. Victor, 2
vols. Paris, 1895.
Exercitia spiritualia ex autographe Hispanico, notis. J. Roothaan. Namur,
Ejercicios espirituales. Rome, 1615.
Cartas de S. Ignacio de Loyola, ed. A. Cabre, etc. 6 vols. Madrid, 1874-90.
The Spiritual Exercises, Spanish and English, with Commentary by J.
Rickaby, S. J. London, 1915.
The Testament of St. Ignatius Loyola. Translated by E. M. Rix with a
Preface by G. Tyrrell. London, 1900.
Letters and Instructions of St. Ignatius Loyola. Translated by D. F.
O'Leary. London, 1914.
Brou. La Spiritualité de St. Ignace. Paris, 1914.
Greff, N. Der heilige Ignatius und seine Zeit. Kalden Kirchen, 1903.
Joly, H. St. Ignace de Loyola (Les Saints). Paris, 1899.
Translation, St. Ignatius of Loyola, translated by M. Partridge. London,
Malzac, M. Ignace de Loyola: essaie de psychologie religieuse. 1898.
Peers, E. Allison. St. Ignatius: in Studies of the Spanish Mystics,
Vol. I. London, 1927. (With full bibliography.)
Ribaniera. Vita Ignatii Loyolae. Naples, 1572.
Rose, S. Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits. London, 1871.
Thompson, Francis. St. Ignatius Loyola. London, 1909.
Venturi, P. T. Storia della Compagnia di Gesù in Italia. 2
vols. Roma, 1910-22.
Laude di Fr. Jacopone da Todi. Firenze, 1490.
Laude di frate Jacopone da Todi. A cura di G. Ferri. Bari, 1915.
Ancona, A. d'. Jacopone da Todi il Giullare di Dio. Roma, 1914.
Brugnoli, B. Le Satire di Jacopone da Todi. Firenze, 1914.
Pacheu, J. Jacopone da Todi, Paris, 1914.
Underhill, E. Jacopone da Todi: with a selection from the Spiritual
Songs trans. by Mrs. T. Beck. London, 1919.
Selected Poems from the Divan i Shamsi Tabriz. Translated by R. A.
Nicholson. Persian and English. Cambridge, 1898.
Masnavi i Ma' navi: the Spiritual Couplets of Jalálu `ddin.
Translated by E. H. Whinfield. London, 1887.
The Mesnevi. Bk. I., with Life, &c. Translated by J. W.
Redhouse. London, 1881.
Jalálu `ddin. Selections by F. Hadland Davis. (Widsom of the East
Series.) London, 1907.
Joseph and Zuleika. Translated by A. Rogers. London, 1892.
Yusuf and Zulaikha. Translated by R. T. H. Griffith. London, 1882.
Lawa'ih: a treatise on Sùfiism. Fascimile of MS. with translation by
Whinfield and Mirza Muhammed Kazvini (Oriental Translation Fund, new series),
Jámí. Selections, by F. Hadland Davis. (Wisdom of the East
Series.) London, 1908.
Liber Concordia novi ac veteris Testamenti. Venice, 1519.
Expositio in Apocalipsum Psalterium decem chordarum. Venice, 1527.
L'evangile Éternel traduction avec biographie par. E. Aegerter.
Fournier, P. Études sur J. de Flore et ses Doctrines. Paris,
Grundmann, H. Studien uber Joachim von Floris. Berlin, 1927.
Procès de condamnation de Jeanne d'Arc. Text, trad. et notes. 2
tomes. Paris, 1920.
Auriac, J. E. d'. La Veritable Jeanne d'Arc. Paris, 1920
Ayroles. La Vraie Jeanne d'Arc. 5 tomes. Paris, 1890-1902.
Barrès, M. Autour de Jeanne d'Arc. Paris, 1916.
Denis, L. La verité sur Jeanne d'Arc. Paris, 1910.
France, Anatole. Vie de Jeanne D'Arc. Paris, 1908.
Lang, A. The Maid of France. London, 1908.
Petit dc Julleville. Jeanne D'Arc. (Les Saints.) Paris, 1909.
Obras del místico Doctor S. Juan de la Cruz. Edición
Crítica. 3 vols. Toledo, 1912-14.
Aphorismes: texte et trans. Intro. par J. Baruzi. Bordeaux, 1924
The Ascent of Mount Carmel. Trans. by David Lewis. New edition. London,
The Dark Night of the Soul. Trans. by D. Lewis. London, 1916.
The Flame of Living Love. Trans. by D. Lewis. London, 1912.
A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul. Trans. by D. Lewis. London, 1911.
Oeuvres: traduction nouvelle sur le texte de l'édition critique
espagnole par H. Hoornaert. 4 tomes. Paris, 1925.
Baruzi, Jean. S. Jean de la Croix et le problème de
l'Expérience Mystique. Paris., 1924. (Important.)
Besse, L. de. Eclaircissements sur les Oeuvres mystiques de S. Jean
de la Croix. Paris, 1983.
Calaber, Abbé. La Terminologie de S. Jean de la Croix, etc.
Paris, 1904.
Dominiguez Berrueta, M. El Misticismo de S. Juan de la Cruz. 1894.
Dosithée de Saint Alexis. Vie de St. Jean de la Croix. Paris,
Lewis, D. The Life of St. John of the Cross: compiled from all his
Spanish biographers and other sources. London, 1897.
Peers, E. Allison. St. John of the Cross (in Studies of the Spanish
Mystics. Vol. I) with bibliography.
Poulain, A. La Mystique de S. Jean de la Croix. Paris, 1892.
The Shewings: from the Amherst MS. transcribed by the Rev. Dundas Harford.
3rd ed. London, 1925. (The earliest text.)
Revelations of Divine Love, recorded by Julian, Anchoress at Norwich. A.D.
1373. Edited by Grace Warrack. 5th ed. London, 1923.
Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love showed to Mother Juliana of Norwich.
With a Preface by G. Tyrrell. London, 1902.
Thouless, R. H. The Lady Julian: a psychological study. London, 1924.
(See in Bibliography, Part II., Gardner: The Cell of Self-Knowledge.)
Works. 9 vols. London, 1762. (Privately reprinted, London, 1893.)
An Appeal to all who doubt. London, 1742.
The Spirit of Prayer. London, 1750.
The Spirit of Love. London, 1759.
The Liberal and Mystical Writings of W. Law. Edited by W. Scott Palmer.
London, 1908.
Gem, S. H. William Law on Christian Practice and Mysticism. Oxford,
Hobhouse, S. W. Law and 18th Century Quakerism. London, 1928.
Overton Canon J. H. Law, Nonjuror and Mystic. London, 1881.
Walton C. Notes and Materials for a Biography of William Law.
London, 1854.
Whyte, A. Character and Characteristics of W. Law. Edinburgh, 1893.
Laurent de la Resurrection (Nicholas Herman). Abrégé de la
vie de Frère Laurent, ses maximes spirituelles, et quelques lettres
qu'il a escrites a des personnes de pièté. (Receuil de divers
traitez de théologie mystique.) Paris, 1699.
The Practice of the Presence of God. With additional letters. London, 1906.
The Practice of the Presence of God. Trans. D. Attwater. (Orchard Books )
London, 1926.
The Spiritual Maxims of Brother Lawrence, together with his character.
London, 1907.
The Tree of Faith. London, 1696.
The Ark of Faith: or a Supplement to the Tree of Faith. London, 1696.
The Revelation of Revelations. London, 1683.
A Message to the Philadelphian Society. London, 1696.
The Ascent to the Mount of Vision. (Reprint.) Littleborough, 1906.
The Enochian walks with God. (Reprint.) Glasgow, 1891.
The Signs of the Times. (Reprint.) Glasgow. 1891.
Journal Spirituel. Paris, 1912.
Spiritual Journal. London, 1915.
Obras. 13 vols. (In progress.) Palma di Mallorca, 1906 seq.
The Book of the Lover and Beloved. London, 1923.
The Art of Contemplation. London, 1925.
The Tree of Love. London, 1926.
Blanquerna. London, 1926.
André, M. Le B. Raymond Lull. Paris, 1900.
Anon. A Life of Ramon Lull, written by an unknown hand about 1311,
Trans. by E. Allison Peers. London, 1927.
Blanch, Mn. Antoni. Vida de Beat. Ramon Lull. Barcelona, 1907.
Galmes, Mn. Salvador. Vida Compendrosa del Bt. Ramon Lull. Palma,
Peers, E. Allison. Ramon Lull. London, 1929. (With full
Probst, M. L'Art de Contemplation et la Mystique de Raymond Lull.
Munster, 1912.
Acta S. S. Aprilis t. II. Paris and Rome, 1860. (The original Lives, by her
contemporaries Gerlac and Brugman.)
La Vie de la Très saincte et vrayment admirable Vierge Lydwine,
tirée du Latin de J. Brugman et mise en abrégé par M.
Michel d'Esne, évesque de Tournay. Douai, 1608.
Huysmans, J. K. Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam. 3me
éd. Paris, 1901.
Opere. Florence, 1893.
Oeuvres, ed. par D. Anselme Bruniaux, 2 vols. Paris, 1873.
La Vie de la Venerable Mère Marie de l'Incarnation tirée de
ses lettres, etc. Paris 1684.
Lettres de la Ven Mere Marie de l'Incarnation. Paris, 1681. Nouv. ed.
Paris, 1876.
Méditations et retraites de la Ven Mere Marie de l'Incarnation.
Paris, 1681.
See Part II. Bremond and Menzies.
Liber Specialis Gratiae. (Contained in Revelationes Gertrudianae ac
Mechtildianiae, t. 2. Paris, 1875.)
Revelationes Selectae S. Mechthildis. Edited by Dr. A. Heuser. (Bibliotheca
Mystica et Ascetica.) Cologne, 1854.
Das Buch des geistlichen Gnaden (Reliquien aus dem Mittelalter. Bänd
3). 1860.
Select Revelations of S. Mechtild, Virgin, Translated from the Latin by a
secular priest. London, 1872.
Revelations. Paris, 1919.
Offenbarungen der Schwester Mechthild von Magdeburg, oder Das Fliessende
Licht der Gottheit aus der einzigen Handschrift des Stiftes
Einsiedeln, herausgegeben von P. Gall Morel. Regensburg, 1869.
Lux Divinitatis. (Contained in Revelationes Gertrudianae ac Mechtildianiae,
t. 2. Paris, 1875.)
Das flieszende Licht der Gottheit von Mechthild von Magdeburg. Ins
Neudeutsche übertragen und erlaütert von Mela Escherich. Berlin, 1909.
Ancelet-Eustache, J. Mechtilde de Magdebourg. Paris, 1926.
Lüers, Dr. G. Die Sprache der deutschen Mystik des Mittelalters
in Werke d. Mechthild von Magdeburg. Munich, 1924.
Das Buch von den Neun Felsen. Leipzig, 1859.
Das grosse deutsche Memorial. (MS. in Universitats u. Laudes Bibliothek,
Strasbourg.) A collection of 16 treatises by R. Merswin or his school.
Jundt, A. Rulman Merswin et l'Ami de Dieu de l'Oberland. Paris, 1890.
Rieder, Carl. Der Gottesfreund von Oberland. Innsbruck, 1905.
Schmidt, Nikolaus von Basel. Wien, 1866. (Some of Merswin's
treatises are printed in this book.)
Manuductio Spiritualis. Leipzig, 1687.
The Spiritual Guide which disentangles the Soul. Edited, with Introduction,
by Lyttelton. (Library of Devotion.) London, 1908.
Dudon, P. Le quiétiste espagnol M. Molinos. Paris, 1921.
The Spiritual Exercises of the Most Virtuous and Religious Dame Gertrude
More. Paris, 1658.
The Inner Life and Writings of Dame Gertrude More. Edited by Dom Benedict
Weld Blundell, O.S.B. Vol. I., The Inner Life; Vol. II., The Writings. London,
The Holy Practices of a Divine Lover. Edited, with Introduction, by Dom H.
Lane Fox. London and Edinburgh, 1909.
Opera. Basle, 1565.
The Vision of God, trans. by E. Gurney Salter. London, 1928.
Vansteenberghe, E. Le Cardinal Nicolas de Cuse, Paris, 1920.
Origenes Werke. 8 vols. Leipzig, 1899-1925.
Library Writings; trans. F. Crombie. 2 vols., (Anti-Nicene Library.)
Edinburgh. 1869-72.
Fairweather, W. Origen and Greek theology. London, 1901.
Faye, E. de. Origène, sa Vie, etc. 2 vols., 1923-27.
Translation. Origen and his Work. London, 1926.
Gardner, E. A Mystic of the Renaissance: Osanna Andreasi of
Mantua. Privately printed. London, 1910.
Les Pensées Fragments et Lettres de Blaise Pascal. Edited by
Faugère. 2me ed. Paris, 1897.
Pensées, et Vie par Madame Périer. Paris, 1861.
(Pascal's other works, being unrelated to his mystic life, are not given.)
The Thoughts of Pascal. Edited by C. S. Jerram. (The Library of Devotion.)
London, n.d.
Boutroux, Emile. Pascal. Paris, 1900.
Bremond, H. En Prière avec Pascal. Paris, 1923.
Jovy, E. Études Pascaliennes. Paris, 1927.
St. Cyr, Viscount. Pascal. London, 1910.
Works. London, 1681.
Tratado de la oración y meditación. Ed. Fr. A. de Ocerin
Jauregui. Madrid, 1916.
A Golden Treatise of Mental Prayer. Ed. by G. S. Hollings. London, 1905.
A Treatise on Prayer and Meditation. Trans. by Dominic Devas, O.F.M.
(Orchard Books.) London, 1926.
O'Connor, A. Life of St. Peter of Alcantara. Bedworth, 1915.
Gerlaci Petri, ignitum cum Deo soliloquium. Cologne, 1849. (A reprint of
the edition of 1616.)
The Fiery Soliloquy with God of Master Gerlac Petersen. London, 1921.
Opera. Recog. L. Cohn et P. Wendland. 5 vols. Berlin, 1896-1906.
Works, tr. Yonge. 4 vols. London, 1854.
Philo on the Contemplative Life. Edited by F. C. Conybeare. Oxford, 1895.
Drummond, J. Philo: the Jewish Alexandrian philosopher. London, 1888.
Kennedy, H. A. Philo's Contribution to Religion. London, 1919.
Lake, J. W. Plato, Philo, and Paul. London, 1874.
Réville, J. La Doctrine du Logos dans Philon. Paris, 1881.
Plotini Enneades, praemisso Porphyrii de Vita Plotini deque ordine librorum
ejus libello. Edidit R. Volkmann. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1883-84.
Enneades: texte etabli et trad. par E. Bréhier. 14 vols. Paris,
The Enneads: trans. by Stephen Mackenna. 5 vols. London 1917-24. (In
Les Ennéades de Plotin, traduites par M. N. Bouillet. 3 tomes.
Paris, 1857-61.
Arnou, R. Le désir de Dieu dans la Philosophie de Plotin.
Paris, 1921.
Inge, W. R. The Philosophy of Plotinus. 2 vols. London, 1918.
Whitby, C. J. The Wisdom of Plotinus, a Metaphysical Study. London,
Opera. Edited by V. Cousin. 6 tomes. Paris. 1820-27.
The Six Books of Proclus on the Theology of Plato. Translated by T. Taylor.
2 vols. London, 1816.
Two Treatises of Proclus. Translated by T. Taylor. London 1833.
Smith, M. Rabi'a the Mystic. London, 1928. (With full Arabic and
Persian bibliography.)
Opera Omnia. (Migne, Patrologia Latina. t. 196.) Paris, 1855.
(See also Pt. II., Gardner, The Cell of Self-Knowledge, which contains an
Old English translation of Richard of St. Victor's Benjamin Minor.)
Buonamici. R. di San Vittore Alatri, 1898.
Ebner, J. Die Erkenntnis lehre R. von St. Victor. Berlin, 1917.
Lubner, A. Richardi a S. Victore de Contemplatione doctrina.
Gottingen, 1837-39.
Works of Richard Rolle of Hampole and his followers. Edited by C. Horstman.
2 vols. (Library of Early English Writers.) London, 1895. (With biographical
introduction and bibliography. All the attributions cannot be accepted.)
The Incendium Amoris: ed. by M. Deanesly. Manchester, 1915.
Officium et Miracula: ed. R. M. Woolley, London, 1919.
Selected Works of Richard Rolle, Hermit, transcribed by G. C. Heseltine.
London, 1930. (All the English works, modernized.)
English Prose Treatises. (E.E.T.S. Vol. XX.) London, 1866.
The Fire of Love, and The Mending of Life. Englished by R. Misyn. Ed. F.
Comper. London, 1914.
The Amending of Life: from Misyn's translation. (Orchard Books.) London,
The Psalter translated by Richard Rolle of Hampole, ed. by H. R. Bramley.
Oxford, 1884.
The Form of Perfect Living. Ed. by G. Hodgson. London, 1910.
Minor Works, ed. by G. Hodgson. London, 1923. (Not all the pieces in this
collection are by Rolle.)
Allen, Hope. Writings ascribed to Richard Rolle, Hermit, of Hampole,
and Materials for his Biography. Oxford, 1927. (Most valuable piece of
first-hand research.)
Comper, F. The Life and Lyrics of Richard Rolle. London, 1928.
Hansen, Leonardus. Rosa Peruana. Vita Mirabilis et Mors pretiosa S.
Rosae a Sancta Maria. Ulyssipone Occidentali, 1725.
The Life of S. Rose of Lima (paraphrase of above). In series of The Saints
and Servants of God. Edited by F. W. Faber. London, 1847.
Capes, F. M. The Flower of the New World; a short history of St.
Rose of Lima. 1899.
Renouard de Bussierre (M.T. de). Lo Perou et Ste. Rose de Lima.
Paris, 1863.
Werken van Jan van Rhusbroec, ed. J. David. 6 vols. Ghent, 1858-68.
Opera Omnia: trad. Surius. Cologne, 1652.
Oeuvres de Ruysbroeck l'Admirable, trad. du Flamand par les Benedictins de
S. Paul de Wisques. 3 tomes. Brussels, 1912, etc.
L'Ornement des Noces Spirituelles de Ruysbroeck l'Admirable, trad. par
Maurice Maeterlinck. Brussels, 1900.
John of Ruysbroeck: Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage, etc., trans. by P.
Wynschenk Dom. London, 1916.
The Book of the Twelve Béguines, trans. by J. Francis. London, 1913.
Auger, A. De doctrina et meritis Joannis van Ruysbroeck. Louvian,
De Vreese, W L. Ruysbroeck. (In Biographie Nationale de Belgique. t.
xx., 1910.)
Engelhardt, J. G. von. Richard von St. Victor und J. Ruysbroeck.
Erlangen, 1838.
Otterloo, A. A. van, Johannis Ruysbroeck. `S. Gravenhage, 1896.
Pomerius: De origine monasterii Viridisvallis una cum vita B.
Johannis Rusbrochii. (Analecta Bollandiana iv., 1885.)
Schmidt, G. C. Étude sur J. Ruysbroeck. 1859.
Scully, Dom. V. A Mediaeval Mystic: B. John Ruysbroeck. London, 1910.
Underhill, E. Ruysbroeck. (Quest Series.) London, 1915.
Waffelaert, G. J. L'union de l'âme aimante avec Dieu . . .
d'après la doctrine du B. Ruusbroec. Paris et Lille, 1906.
Wautier d'Aygalliers, A. Ruysbroeck l'Admirable. Paris, 1923. (Very
Translation. Ruysbroeck the Admirable. London, 1925. (This omits much
bibliographical material.)
Gulistan. New edition, collated by E. B. Eastwick. Hertford, 1850.
The Gulistan: translated by E. B. Eastwick. Hertford, 1852.
Tableau naturel des rapports qui existent entre Dieu, l'Homme et l'Univers.
L'Homme de Désir, par le Philosophe Inconnu. 1802.
Des Nombres: oeuvre posthume. Edited by J. Schauer. Paris, 1861.
La Correspondence inédite de L. C. de Saint-Martin dit le Philosophe
Inconnu, et Kirchberger, Baron de Liebestorf. Edited by Schauer and Chuquet.
Paris, 1862.
Man: his true nature. Translated by E. B. Penny. London, 1864.
Theosophic Correspondence. Trans. by E. B. Penny. London, 1863.
Caro, E. M. Du Mysticisme du 18ème Siècle: essai sur
la Vie et la Doctrine de Saint-Martin. Paris, 1852.
Matter, A. J. Saint-Martin le Philosophe Inconnu, sa vie et ses
écrits. 1862.
Waite A. E. The Life of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, the Unknown
Philosopher, and the substance of his transcendental doctrine. London, 1901.
Discourse of the Freedom of the Will. London, 1675.
The Rise, Race, and Royalty of the Kingdom of God in the Soul. London, 1683.
The Appearance of God to Man in the Gospel. London, 1710.
Die deutschen Schriften des seligen H. Seuse. Edited by H. S. Denifle.
München, 1876.
Heinrich Susos Leben und Schriften. Edited by M. Diepenbrock, Regensburg,
Oeuvres mystiques du B. Henri Suso. Traduction par le P. G. Thiriot. 2
vols. Paris, 1899.
Life of B. Henry Suso, by Himself. Trans. by T. F. Knox. London, 1913.
Little Book of Eternal Wisdom. London, 1910.
Schmidt, C. Der Mystiker Heinrich Seuse. (Theol. Studien und
Kriken), 1843.
Vetter, F. Ein Mystiker paar des xiv Jahrhundert. Basle, 1882.
Die Predigten Taulers aus d. Engelberger und d. Freiburger Handschrift.
sowie aus Schmidt's Abschriften d. ehemaligen Strasburger Handschrift. Ed. F.
Vetter (Deutsche Texte d. Mittelalters. Band xi.) Berlin, 1910. (This is the
first critical text of Tauler's sermons.)
Johann Tauler's Predigten nach den besten Ausgaben in die jetzige
Schriftsprache übertragen von J. Hamberger. Zweite neu bearbeitete
Auflage. 3 Band. Prague, 1872.
D. Joannes Thauleri. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis totius anni, plane
piissime: R. F. Laurentio Surio in Latinum Sermonem translata, &c. Cologne,
The History and Life of the Rev. Doctor John Tauler, with 25 of his
sermons, translated by Susanna Winkworth. Preface by Charles Kingsley. New
edition. London, 1906.
The Inner Way: Being 36 sermons for Festivals. New translation, with
Introduction, by Rev. A. W. Hutton. (Library of Devotion.) 3rd edition. London,
Sermons . . . traduits de l'Allemand par C. Saint-Foi. 2 tomes. Paris, 1845.
Oeuvres Complètes. Trad. Iitterale de la version latine de Surius:
par G. P. Noel, O. P. 8 vols. Paris, 1911. (In progress.)
Denifle. Tauler's Bekehrung in Quellen u. Forschungen zur Sprach u.
Cultur-geschichte. Strasburg, 1879.
Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesús. Editadas y anotadas por el P.
Silverio de S. Teresa. C.D. 9 vols. Burgos 1915-26. (The best edition of the
Spanish text.)
Oeuvres de Sainte Thérèsa, traduites par les Carmelites du
Premier Monastère de Paris. 6 tomes. Paris, 1907-10.
Lettres, traduites selon l'ordre chronologique par le Père Marcel
Bouix. Troisième edition. 3 tomes. Paris, 1898.
The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus, written by Herself, translated by D.
Lewis. 5th edition. London, 1916.
The Book of the Foundations of St. Teresa of Jesus, written by Herself.
Translated by D. Lewis. London, 1913.
The History of the Foundations Translated by Sister Agnes Mason. 1909.
The Interior Castle: translated from the autograph of St. Teresa by the
Benedictines of Stanbrook Abbey. London, 1912.
The Way of Perfection, translated from the autograph of St. Teresa by the
Benedictines of Stan brook Abbey, with Notes by Zimmerman. London, 1911.
Letters. 4 vols. translated by the Benedictines of Stanbrook Abbey. London,
Minor Works: translated by the Benedictines of Stan brook Abbey. London,
Baring, Arvède. Psychologie d'une Sainte: Sainte
Thérèsa. (Revue des Deux Mondes. Ie Juin, 1886.)
Berrueta, A. D. Sta Teresa de Jesus y S. Juan della Cruz: bocetos
psicologica. Madrid, 1915.
Carmelite, Une. Histoire de Ste. Thérèsa. 2 vols.
Paris, 1887.
Canal, E. Ste. Thérèsa. Paris, 1921.
Coleridge, H. J. Life and Letters of St. Teresa. 3 vols. London,
Colvill, H. H. Saint Teresa of Spain. London, 1909.
Carton H. do. Bibliographie Térèsienne. Paris, 1902.
Genonville. S. Thérèsa et son Mysticisme. Montaubon,
Graham, G. Cunninghame. Santa Teresa. New ed. I vol. London, 1907.
Hoornaert, R. S. Térèse écrivain. Paris, 1922.
Joly, H. Ste. Thérèsa (Les Saints). Paris, 1902.
(Translation.) St. Teresa, translated by E. Waller. London, 1903.
Legardere. S. Thérèsa, Psychologique et Mystique.
Besançon, 1900.
Mir, M. Santa Teresa de Jesus. 2 vols. Madrid, 1912.
Norero, H. L'Union mystique chez Ste. Thérèsa. Macon,
Peers, E. Allison. St. Teresa (in "Studies of the Spanish Mystics."
London, 1927), with full bibliography.
Ribera, Francisco do, Vida de S. Teresa de Jesus. Nuova ed.
Barcelona, 1908. (First published in 1590.)
Whyte A. Santa Teresa: an appreciation. Edinburgh, 1897.
Yepes D. do. Vida, Virtudes, y Milagros de Santa Teresa de Jesus.
Lisbon, 1616.
Der Frankforter, Ein deutsch Theologia. Ed. Willo Uhl. Bonn, 1912. (From
the best MS.)
Theologia Deutsch. Neue nach der einziger bis jetzt bekannten Handschrift
besorgte vollständige Ausgabe. Edited by F. Pfeiffer. Stuttgart, 1851.
Theologia Germanica, translated from Pfeiffer's edition; edited by Susanna
Winkworth, with a Preface by Charles Kingsley. 4th edition. (Golden Treasury
Series.) London, 1907.
Le Livre de la Vie Parfait, trad. par J. Paquier. Paris, 1928. (Complete
translation from Uhl's text.)
Paquier, J. L'orthodoxie de la Theologie Germanique. Paris, 1922.
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Busch J. Chron. Canonicorum Ordine S. Augustini, cap. Windesimensis.
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Butler, Dugald. Thomas a Kempis, a religious study. London, 1908.
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--Thomas à Kempis and the Brothers of the Common Life. London, 1882.
Wheatley, L. A. The Story of the Imitatio. London, 1891.
Opere Spirituali. Genova, 1755.
(See also in Pt. II., Von Hügel, the Mystical Element of Religion.)
Journal and Essays. Edited by A. M. Gummere. London, 1922.
Arintero, J. G. Cuestiones misticas. Salamanca, 1916.
mistica. Salamanca, 1921.
Auger. Étude sur les Mystiques des Pays Bas au Moyen
(Collectiones des Mémoires Publiés par l'Academie Royale de
Belgique, tome 46.)
Baker, Ven. Augustine. Holy Wisdom; or Directions for the Prayer of
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Barbançon, C. The Secret Paths of Divine Love. (Orchard
Books.) London, 1928.
Barluke, John Evangelist of. The Kingdom of God in the Soul.
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Benson, Rev. R. H. Mysticism. (Westminster Lectures.) London, 1907.
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Translation. The Science of Prayer. London, 1925.
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Bremond, Abbé H. La Provence Mystique. Paris,
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Prière et Poésie. Paris, 1926.
Prayer and Poetry. London, 1928.
Philosophie de la Prière. Paris,
Brenier de Montmorand. Ascétisme et Mysticisme. (Revue
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Butler, Dom Cuthbert. Western Mysticism. London, 1919.
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Chandler, Rev. A. Ara Coeli; studies in mystical religion. London,
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Études d'Histoire at de
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(Detailed analyses of St. Teresa, Madame Guyon, Suso. Indispensable to the
Denifle, H. S. Das geistliche Leben: Blumenlese aus der deutschen
Mystikern der 14 Jahrhunderts. Graz, 1895.
Devine, Rev. A. A Manual of Mystical Theology. London, 1903.
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Gardner, Edmund. The Cell of Self-Knowledge: Seven Old English
Mystical Works. Reprinted from Pepwell's edition, with Notes and Introduction.
(New Mediaeval Library.) London, 1910. (This contains a translation of Richard
of St. Victor's Benjamin Minor, the only known work of Margery Kempe, Hilton's
Song of Angels, and three works of the Cloud of Unknowing group.)
Garrigou-Lagrange, Père. Perfection Chrétienne et
Contemplation selon S. Thomas d'Aquin et S. Jean de la Croix. 2 t. Paris, 1923.
Gebhart, E. L'Italie Mystique. 5me edition. Paris, 1906.
Translation. Mystics and Heretics in Italy. London, 1922.
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Görres, J. J. v. Die Christliche Mystik. 5 Bände.
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Gregory, Eleanor C. An Introduction to Christian Mysticism. London,
A Little Book of Heavenly Wisdom. Selections from so no English Prose
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Heiler, F. Das Gebet. Munich, 1920.
Die Bedeutung der Mystick fur
die Weltreligionen, Munich, 1919.
Hello, E. Physionomies de Saints. New edition. Paris, 1900.
Heppe, H. Geschichte der Quietistischen Mystik. Berlin, 1875.
Herman, E. The Meaning and Value of Mysticism. London, 1915.
Inge, W. R. Christian Mysticism. (Bampton Lectures.) London, 1899.
(A standard work indispensable to the student.)
Studies of English Mystics.
(St. Margaret's Lectures.) London, 1906.
Light, Life and Love. Selections
from the German Mystics. With Introduction. (Library of Devotion.) London,
Personal Idealism and Mysticism. (Paddock Lectures.) London, 1907.
Joly, Henri. Psychologie des Saints. Paris, 1895.
Translation. The Psychology of the Saints. With Preface and Notes by George
Tyrrell. London, 1898.
Jones, Rufus M. Studies in Mystical Religion. London, 1909.
Spiritual Reformers in the 16th and 17th Centuries. London, 1914.
Joret, Père. La Contemplation Mystique d'après S.
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Knowles, Dom D. The English Mystics. London, 1928.
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Lejeune, Abbé P. Manual de Theologie Mystique. 1897.
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Translation. Studies in the Psychology of the Mystics. London, 1927.
Massignon, L. Essai sur les origines du lexique technique de la
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Menzies, L. Mirrors of the Holy. London, 1928. (Studies of women
Nicholson, R. A. The Mystics of Islam. London, 1914.
Oman, J. C. The mystics, ascetics, and saints of India. London, 1905.
Ossuna, Francesco de. Abecedario Spiritual. 6 vols. (Gothic letter.)
Medina, 1554. (This is the book from which St. Teresa first learned the method
of contemplation.)
Otto, Rudolf. Westöstliche Mystick. Klotz. 1926.
Pacheu, J. Psychologie des Mystiques Chrétiens. Parish 1909.
Palmer, E. H. Oriental Mysticism. A Treatise on the Sufiistic and
Unitarian Theosophy of the Persians. Cambridge, 1867.
Patmore, Coventry. The Rod, the Root, and the Flower. 2nd edition.
London, 1907.
Peers, Allison. Spanish Mysticism. London, 1924.
Studies in the
Spanish Mystics. Vol. I. London, 1927. (With excellent bibliographies.)
Poiret, Pierre. Theologiae Mysticae idea generalis. Paris, 1702.
Petri Poireti Bibliotheca Mysticorum Selecta. Paris, 1708. (This contains a
useful list of mystical and ascetic works, many of which are now lost.)
Poulain, A. Les desiderata de la Mystique. (Études Jesuites.)
Paris, 1898.
Les Graces d'Oraison. 10me edition. Paris, 1922.
(Useful citations.)
Translation. The Graces of Interior Prayer. London 1910.
Pourrat, P. La Spiritualité Chrétienne. 3 tomes.
Paris, 1921-25.
Translation. Christian Spirituality. 3 vols. London. 1922-26. (Very useful.)
Preger, W. Geschichte der deutschen Mystick in Mittelalter. B. I-3.
Leipzig, 1874-93
Récéjac, E. Essai sur les fondements de la
Connaissance Mystique. Paris, 1897
Translation. Essay on the bases of the Mystic Knowledge. Translated by S.
C. Upton. London, 1899. (An important study of the psychology of mysticism.)
Reinach, S. Une Mystique au 18e Siècle. (Cultes,
Mythes, et Religions.) Paris, 1906.
Renda, Antonio. Il Pensiero Mistico. Milano e Palermo, 1902.
Ribet, J. La Mystique Divine. 3 tomes. Paris, 1879. (A standard
Roman Catholic work. Elaborate, but uncritical.) L'Ascétique
Chrétienne. Paris, 1888.
Rousselot, P. Les Mystiques Espagnols. Paris, 1867.
Saudreau, L. Les degrés de la vie Spirituelle. 5th edition. 2
vols. Paris, 1920.
La Vie d'Union a Dieu. 3rd edition. Paris 1921.
Mystique et les faits extraordinaires de la Vie Spirituelle. 2nd edition.
Paris, 1921.
Translations. The Degrees of the Spiritual Life, trans. by Dom Bede Camm,
O.S.B. 2 vols. London, 1907.
The Life of Union with God. London,
The Mystical State. London, 1924.
Scaramelli, G. B. Il direttorio Mistico. Roma, 1900.
Schmölders, A. Essai sur les Écoles Philosophiques chez
les Arabes. Paris, 1842. (Contains the best account of the Sufi philosopher, Al
Ghazzali. )
Sharpe, A. Mysticism, its true Nature and Value. London, 1910.
Spurgeon, Caroline. Mysticism in English Literature. London, 1913.
Thorold, Algar. An Essay in Aid of the better Appreciation of
Catholic Mysticism. London, 1900.
Tollemache, M. Spanish Mystics. London, 1886.
Underhill, E. The Mystic Way. London, 1913.
Practical Mysticism.
London, 1914.
The Essentials of Mysticism. London, 1920.
The Mystics of
the Church. London, 1925.
Vaughan, R. A. Hours with the Mystics. 3rd edition. 2 vols. London,
Von Hügel, Baron F. The Mystical Element of Religion, as
studied in St. Catherine of Genoa and her Friends. 2 vols. London, 1908.
(Indispensable. The best work on Mysticism in the English language.)
Waite, A. E. Studies in Mysticism. London, 1906.
Watkin, E. I. The Philosophy of Mysticism. London, 1919.
Adam, James.
The Religious Teachers of Greece. (Gifford Lectures.) 1908.
- Bergson, Henri.
Essai sur les Données
immédiates de la Conscience. Paris, 1889.
Matière et Mémoire. Paris, 1896.
Introduction a la Métaphysique. Paris, 1903.
L'Evolution Créatrice. Paris, 1907.
Translations. Time and Free Will: an Essay on the Immediate data of
Consciousness, translated by F. L. Pogson. London, 1910.
Matter and Memory, trans. by N. Paul and W. Scott Palmer. London, 1910.
Creative Evolution, trans. by A. Mitchell. London, 1911.
- Berguer, M.
Psychologie religieuse. Geneva, 1914.
- Bessemans, Dr.
Die Stigmatisatie in het licht der
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- Bigg, Dr. C.
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Neoplatonism. London, 1895.
- Binet, A.
La Suggestibilité. Paris, 1900.
- Boutroux, Emile.
Science et Religion dans la Philosophie
Contemporaine. Paris, 1908.
Translation. Science and Religion in Contemporary Philosophy.
Translated by G. J. Nield. London, 1909. (Compare Pt. I., Boehme.)
- Boyce Gibson, W. B.
An Introduction to Rudolph Eucken's
Philosophy. London, 1908.
God with us. London, 1909.
- Bradley, F. H.
Appearance and Reality. 2nd ed. London,
- Brunschvieg, L.
Introduction a la Vie de l'Esprit. 1900.
- Buber, M.
Ekstatische Konfessionen. 2nd ed. Leipzig,
- Bucke, R. M.
Cosmic Consciousness: a study in the evolution
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- Caird, Edward.
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- Caird, John.
Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.
Glasgow, 1880.
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- Cutten, G. B.
The Psychological Phenomena of Christianity.
London, 1909.
- De Sanctis. S.
Religious Conversion; a bio-psychological
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- Dewing, A. S.
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- Driesch, Hans.
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Neoplatonism in its Relation to Christianity.
London, 1908.
- Eucken, Rudolph.
Die Einheit des Geisteslebens. Leipzig,
Der Kampf um einen geistigen Lebensinhalt. Leipzig, 1896.
Geistige Strömungen der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1909.
Der Wahrheitsgehalt der Religion. 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1905.
Die Lebensanschauungen der Grossen Denker. Leipzig, 1909.
Hauptprobleme der Religionsphilosophie der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1907.
Der Sinn und Wert des Lebens. Leipzig, 1908.
Translations. The Life of the Spirit: an Introduction to Philosophy
2nd ed. London, 1909.
The Problem of Human Life. London, 1909.
The Meaning and Value of Life. London, 1909.
Christianity and the New Idealism. New York, 1909.
- Flournoy, T.
Les Principes de la Psychologie religieuse
(Archives de Psychologie 1902.)
Une mystique moderne (ibid, 1915).
- Franck, A.
La Kabbale. 3rd ed. Paris, 1892.
- Granger, F. G.
The Soul of a Christian. London, 1900.
- Harrison, Jane E.
Prolegomena to the Study of Greek
Religion. Cambridge, 1903.
- Hébert, M.
La forme idéaliste du sentiment
religieux. Paris, 1909.
- Hocking, W. E.
The Meaning of God in Human Experience. New
York, 1922.
- Huby, J.
La Conversion. Paris, 1919.
- Imbert-Gourbeyre, Dr.
Les Stigmatisées. 2 vols.
Paris, 1873.
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- James, M. R.
Apocrypha Anecdota Series II. Cambridge.
- James, William.
The Principles of Psychology. 2 vols.
London, 1890.
Textbook of Psychology. London, 1892.
The Will to Believe. New York, 1897.
The Varieties of Religious Experience. (Gifford Lectures.) London, 1902.
A Pluralistic Universe. (Hibbert Lectures.) London, 1909.
- Janet, Pierre.
L'Automatisme Psychologique. Paris, 1889.
L'Etat Mentale des Hysteriques. 2 vols. Paris, 1893-94.
Nevroses et idées fixes. Paris, 1898.
Une extatique (Bulletin de l'Institut Psychologique). Paris, 1901.
Obsessions et Psychasthénie. Paris, 1903.
Translations. The Mental State of Hystericals. New York, 1901.
The Major Symptoms of Hysteria. New York, 1907.
- Jastrow, J.
The Subconscious: A Study in Descriptive
Psychology. London, 1906.